
  1. Switch Missing multiple pets after playing multiplayer mode

    So the witch flew over our house after saying one day and the following day and ALL of our pets are completely gone from the pets list. We still have the multiple pet houses we bought but our 2 cats and three dogs are just gone! We are multiple years into the game and have been saving up for...
  2. curvyramen

    Switch Stuttering glitch/error

    In the new 1.6 update, I tried putting a hat on my cat and it resulting in some frames stuttering every few seconds. I just reset the day before I put the hat on. I'm not sure if this has been reported before. Love this update so far!
  3. Someone_else

    Free cats for everyone!

  4. iOS My cat…

    It’s past midnight and this darn cat is blocking my doorway and I can’t get it and I really don’t want my money to get taken because I couldn’t “get to sleep.” Help please!