
  1. DUBlajes

    Android On Android, using a PS4 and XB360 controller causes 'turboing'

    Hi everyone. I just bought the android version and tried to play with a controller. I tried the other day with a wired XB360 controller and the first day everything went perfect but yesterday I noticed that when picking up items, pressing X , rapidly picks it up and puts it down. Same happens...
  2. Android Slingshot can't aim using Joystick & Button

    I can't using slingshot to aim, it so hard to aim while I using Joystick & Buttons
  3. PC [Help] Local Split Screen Co-op Questions

    I found out that I could do a local co option the main menu portion once I had the game up and going. I also have 2 other cabins on the farm. When I hit the local co op button, it says "Press ?? to join" or "B to cancel" I don't know what that button is referring to so I looked online; here it...
  4. For PC, a quantity slider or button

    As a Stardewer for the endgame, I come to a predicament where I need to buy max stacks of 999 of this item but like 20+ stacks at a time and it's pretty time consuming to be sitting at a merchant screen for 5-10 minutes waiting for the shift right-click to count from 1 to 999 every time...