
  1. Windows Game flickering in fullscreen

    Hi guys, i stopped playing the game for some time (after more than 300 hours of it lol) and now i decided to play again with some friends to relax, but i'm getting upset instead. I'm playing on the same pc and monitor in which i played the game for all my 300+ hours and never had this error...
  2. Xbox co-op perfection tracker bug

    so i was playing on mine and my friend’s world (not hosted via co-op), and while i was grinding solo, my perfection tracker was at 95%. everything was marked as completed except for the crafting recipes. a few hours later, my friend ask to join so i saved my solo day and hosted via co-op, and...
  3. Switch Switch

    Hi I’m new and I’m not sure about the policy on if I have to reply to my own OG post if I have a new bug I’ve been having or if I should just make a new one but on to the bug problem, it’s def not registering when I hit my pickaxe. I’m in the caves lvl 63 and couldn’t use my pickaxe, I pressed...
  4. JuliaStar

    Switch Switch Bugs

    Just updated to and have two bugs so far 1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete) 2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day). Crash details "software...
  5. Switch Penny is acting weird

    In my game penny wont leave her room or bed. I’ve even seen her doing dishes in her bed. This is a struggle because I don’t have enough hearts with her to get into her room. I’ve seen her once outside her room near the graveyard but that was one time. Please help.
  6. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  7. iOS Frozen Screen IOS

    Hi, I play stardew valley from Apple Arcade on IOS, and I noticed a bug. Sometimes, I’m not sure what if anything triggers this, but the screen will freeze and all I can do is move forward. The time in the day continues but I am stuck in place. I can’t open the map, inventory, journal, etc. I...
  8. Switch Split screen play

    My partner and I have been playing co-op split screen on the switch. Prior to 1.6 we never had the game crash, but since 1.6 we have probably had the game crash 10 times in the first in game year. There hasn’t been any one thing that has happened for it to crash. Is anyone else having this...
  9. Switch Nothing during Green Rain??

    Build: v1.6.9 build 40 (most recent update today) Single player, switch lite Year 1 info: While playing on my switch today, I got the green rain event and there was absolutely nothing to collect, so no fiddle head ferns, no weeds for fibers. None of the trees changed to the special effects...
  10. iOS Screen Sizing Issues

    Hello! So I recently got a phone upgrade, went from iPhone XR to the iPhone 16 and the game doesn’t seem to be sized correctly on the new, smaller screen. I’ve changed every setting possible but they only really resize the menu, the date & time box, ETC and so my issue is that on the new phone...
  11. Kb10!

    Xbox Is no one gonna talk about this?

    You can knock full chests of loot into the corner of the farm where the bushes are and you literally cannot access it without using cheats or hacking the game to move it elsewhere. (I have so much exclusive furniture in there):cry:
  12. Xbox Mines freezing in multiplayer

    I've been experiencing a glitch ever since 1.6 came out on Xbox Series X where when the host goes into the mines while in multiplayer, the mines will freeze up on random levels and won't allow the host to collect anything. Before 1.6 this glitch never happened at all for me. Does anyone have any...
  13. SosaBrBad

    Xbox my game crashes with the latest update

    I'm close to reaching 100%, I've played almost an entire marathon to do it, and I just can't continue, when I try to save the game it closes :( help uncle Eric!
  14. Xbox XBOX Achievements NOT POPPING

    Hello, my gt is FNico321. My “best friends”,”networking”,”cook” “perfection” achievements aren’t popping after completing. Reinstalled the game and turned off console many times etc. Sitting at 413 hours, don’t really wanna restart pls help!
  15. Android Mobile_toolbar_scroll_glitch

    Does anyone else have the following issue and maybe figured out how to fix it? At random times when I tap on an item in the toolbar, it scrolls the toolbar, way over so it's focus on row 2 or row 3 in my bag. If I try to scroll it back to row 1, it is deceptive. It makes it look like I am...
  16. Switch Split Screen crashing

    When playing in split screen on switch it keeps crashing after a few days in game. Is there a way to fix this.
  17. Xbox Divorce + game crashing

    Hi I wanted to see if anyone was having this same issue and knows any way to go around this, my game keeps crashing after filing for divorce at the end of my day. Doesn’t matter the date I’ve tried on several different days, early and evening times. Completing my day or going to sleep...
  18. Switch Is there any moderation here?

    Hello :) I am not sure if I am the only one frustrated by this - people keep posting the same issues over and over again and other people joining in to confirm they have the same problems, but there is no reply or acknowledgement that someone took note or forwarded it to the developers. The...
  19. Switch Quest broken due to Birdy Quest Item ‚war memento’ being stolen

    The war memento was stolen after I went unconscious. The item was neither in the lost & found box nor could be brought back via object recovery service by Maru. Birdy can‘t be talked to again so my entire run is dead (was going for 100%). It had over 100hrs since 1.6 released. I couldn‘t find...
  20. Solved Game Settings Not Being Saved & Books Bug

    Don't know if this is a bug, but everytime I login to the game my settings always revert back to the default settings, like, the size of the date box and tools/tool bar and the boxes I specifically selected aren't selected anymore, I previously didn't have this problem until now. • And some of...