
  1. cubus

    iOS report an error for ipad devices

    when you do fishing always get bug sound reel,i'm usually get this when i'm open treasure chest and that sound never stop or sometime just fishing like normally but it's never stop as well. i'm install the latest update latest update on appstore thankyou once again you did great job for this...
  2. Android Jogo fechando sozinho

    Tipo de telefone: Samsung A02 Veja detalhes do seu problema: Jogo fica jogo fechando, não consigo criar novo jogo. No dia do seu problema, você carregou o jogo através do menu Carregar Jogo (você acorda na cama)? Ou foi uma “carga de emergência” (ou seja, aquela em que você...
  3. Android Why is my game crashing when I try and change my name?

    I was trying to change my name by going to the shrine of illusions. But for so reason when I click "yes", my game just crashes
  4. Android game crashes when using the shrine of illusions

    i wanted to change my avatar appearance but when i click on the shrine of illusions offering "yes" option button, it crashes!! pls helppp!!
  5. iOS Bug on ipad/black screen

    Hi I have a bug problem. Sometimes when im playing on my ipad (only whit the new update) the screen turns black and i only see parts of the game as in the attached image. Please help, everytime that happen i have to restart the app.