brazilian portuguese

  1. danilofenix

    PlayStation Monster Slayer goals list is not translated

    Version 1.63 at the time of the incident, playing in pt-BR, on PS5, single-player. The names of the monsters in the Adventure Guild's Monster Slayer goals are in English (and not translated into Brazilian Portuguese, the language I'm playing). Until version 1.5.x the names were in Brazilian...
  2. psluiza

    Windows Translation error for the house upgrade

    I'm playing in portuguese and when I go to Robin to try to upgrade my house the game says I don't have enough money, but I have the amount the game tells me in portuguese... I don't have a screenshot, but I tested in english and the cost of the upgrade in english is different...
  3. Are sve and ridgeside village in conflict?

    I need some help, whenever I install the rsv mod together with the sve, they seem to come into conflict, I start a game, the mayor's sister custcene appears and he is talking, right after the area for ridgeside does not appear, and neither the npcs in the relationships tab of the cjb menu Forgot...
  4. Chubbylicious

    PC [BUG] Final day change isn't in the Brazilian Portuguese version of the game

    As the title say, with the 1.5 update, the time remaining stamp was changed to "final day" when in the last day of delivery, instead of "1 day remaining" for the sake of clarity. However, when playing in the Brazilian Portuguese version, the change wasn't applied to the game!