
  1. WhitePistachio

    What's your fav dish, fruit, vegetable and dessert?

    SO my fav dish is pasta with bolognese sauce, my favourite fruit is tangerine, I hate almost every vegetable, but I guess I'll go with onion and my favourite dessert is tiramisu, cake Pavlova(prolly because that's my surname lmao/j) and nougat(PISTACHIOS). What's yourss..??????????
  2. MissDandy

    Best Cake

    Very bored today. What's the best kind of cake?
  3. allyfoofoo2545

    PC Trying to find ppl to play with!!

    Hi, does anybody want to play?? bored.
  4. Neverbell

    Boredom Relief

    Despite having the internet at our disposals, quarantine in all its dreariness can make you bummed out and just flat out bored with everything. So, to combat this, let’s share things that we’re passionate about so everyone else can give them a try to relieve said boredom. This includes but is...