blue chicken

  1. Windows I can't get my blue chickens./ No puedo obtener gallinas azules

    I have a problem with Shane. I married him, and let's say I didn't do the 8-heart event. Even though Shane visits Marnie's house, it doesn't trigger for me anymore, and I can't get my blue chickens. What should I do? Should I divorce and start over?/ Tengo un problema con shane me case con el y...
  2. PlayStation I married Shane but can't get blue chickens

    Hello everyone. I built my friendship up with Shane and married him. But I missed the seven heart event where he gives Jas shoes and the eight heart event where he has his blue chickens. Because I was not in the right place at the right time to trigger these events. He is now my husband but I...
  3. Windows BUG REPORT : Can't trigger Shane's 8-heart event and obtain blue chickens

    Hello, my name is Matheus. I have recently found this bug where I can't trigger Shane's 8-heart and buy blue chickens from Marnie. I first noticed that a lot of time has passed and I couldn't recall if this event nor the 6 nor the 7.1-heart event were triggered, but I am positive I triggered the...
  4. Can I trigger shane's 6 to 8 heart events if I am already married?

    Hi! I married Shane in my first save a lil ago, and I did not know that you could get blue chickens from him on his 8 heart cutscene, so I just carried on without doing the events from 6 hearts onwards. But now I found out ab the chickens and I'm wondering if there's any way to trigger the...