
  1. Guinan

    Android Process of breaking open geodes freezes

    When I break open geodes in Clint's blacksmith the picture freezes and it takes about one minute until I can go on. The item that was inside the geode hangs in the air in front of Clint. While I write this I break open some geodes. When I had to break open 20 or more geodes I could cook...
  2. Windows I lost my hoe

    I lost my hoe. I gave it to the blacksmith for pumping. Two days later I got the notification about the improvement, but the blacksmith did not return it and for a week later too. How to dig up ground without hoe? I don't want to restart and the greenhouse is pretty small.
  3. SMAPI RentedToolsImproved 1.0

    About: With the RentedToolsImproved mod you will be able to get a rental tool from Clint himself when you are upgrading your tools! A version of this mod already exists but it had some things in it that I didn't like and I think more people might not like! this mod improves that by not always...
  4. Switch Please Help! Multiplayer, Axe is stuck in the blacksmith shop after several in game days have passed

    I made a new farm on the switch version of the game and made a new character for my boyfriend in fall year 1. We have been upgrading tools at the same time with no issue, but my boyfriend gave his copper axe to Clint and several in game days have gone by but it isn’t finished. I have upgraded...
  5. MisterKerr

    PC [BUG] Blacksmith sound bug in 1.5.5 beta

    Whenever I visit the blacksmith's shop (both inside and outside), instead of the soft sound of the forge/boiler/whatever the machine is outside, the sound is instead this higher-pitched, much louder and obnoxious sound that sounds like those small suction straw devices they use at the dentist's...
  6. PC [BUG] Standing Geode gives geode drops when processed at blacksmith

    To avoid confusion: Standing Geode is the furniture received from the museum, Normal Geode or Geode is the rare drop that you process at the blacksmith Made a new save not too long ago, and got curious when I received the standing geode furniture. I wanted to see if you could process it at the...