Hello, I’ve completed all the craft items but didn’t get the craft master achievement on xbox… here is a link to the video I recorded showing all the items that have been crafted, is this a bug?
The game crashes randomly a lot but especially when I play splitscreen multiplayer. There’s this bug in the mines (all) that makes your weapons leave the animation swoosh and all the drops are frozen in place and inaccessible to both players (this happens when I play single player too though)...
Achievement still not popping even after loading up the world, deleting and re-downloading the game and saved data etc and still won’t pop when reloading world
I've posted this several times before. I am on Xbox Series X and I have been having this problem since build 37. I have re-completed the quest many times, including today on the current build. I have also interacted with the shrine and cycled it back and forth and basically tried everything that...
I just started getting achievements for stardew valley recently and I'm really slow with the progress but have not gotten two achievements I should have earned. The first achievement was "A Complete Collection." Which is completing the museum and I have completed it with having a full selection...
Since build 37, I have never been able to unlocked the "Danger in the Deep" achievement despite doing it multiple times and trying to replicate what others have been doing to get it to unlock retroactively. Today, with build 41, the achievement is still broken and I cannot make any progress...
Hello, my gt is FNico321. My “best friends”,”networking”,”cook” “perfection” achievements aren’t popping after completing. Reinstalled the game and turned off console many times etc.
Sitting at 413 hours, don’t really wanna restart pls help!
I have the 100% of the game. I Claimed the Statue of the True Perfection but I still without the achievement. I really don't know why :(((( SOMEONE HELP ME!!!
- I don't use any mod.
- Build number and version: v1.6.14 build 14317
- My game is single-player.
- I use Windows.
- I bought the game...
I've got the starfruit from getting all artifacts for the museum but I don't have the a complete collection achievement. I'm on the the current version of
I've had issues with unlocking some achievements. I'm at 100% on Qi computer and been to the summit but I haven't unlocked the perfection achievement. Also the unforgettable soup achievement is not working for me either. I’m experiencing issues also with the raccoon shop, only showing 4 items...
I'm sure this is likely already known, but in case it isn't I ran into a glitch where the Well-Read achievement on Xbox didn't pop once I obtained my last power book (Book of Mysteries). I can see I have all the book powers on the collection page so I should've read all of the required books for...
I am on Xbox Series X. Single player. Version 1.6.9. Using an old save file and everything else is working fine. New achievements are unlocking. I have completed the Danger in the Deep quest 3 times from Qi and cannot get the associated achievement to unlock. Yes, I made sure I did the correct...
I've noticed the in game achievements are missing from the playstation copy and i've checked my other copies (switch, mobile and pc, they've all still got them).
So I did the Polyculture achievement steps, but I didn't get the achievement (it's still locked). I know I did all the steps, as I am able to buy the Cowpoke Hat at the Hat Shop. Can anyone please help?
playing the PS4 version on ps5 on version 1.62. Currently in year 5- summer. Ps5 tells me 1.62 is the latest (but I keep hearing about a 1.62.9? Assume that’s only PC?)
1. The “a distant shore” achievement doesn’t unlock when you go to Ginger Island. I have tried warping there using the...
I have gotten every Stardrop in the game (playing PS5) as I am going for a perfection run for the first time. My energy is maxed out, (googled this, think its 508 or something similar, can't get to my PS now to confirm) but no achievement. PLEASE fix this, theres a 150 hours on this farm and I...
Hi all!
As far as I know I have donated everything to the museum (at least I have filled in the collection pages) but this achievement still hasn’t popped for me. Gunther already gave me the key, so no clue what I am doing wrong.
Any ideas? Playing IOS 1.5
[Mac OS, Single play]
I had done all the task in Adventure Guild, but I couldn't get the achievement 'protector of the valley'
Gil doesn't respond.
I think maybe it's because I've been playing this map for so long time.
I wanna get achievement legitimately.
I have gotten all of the Stardrops in my current save file (1.6) and have achieved 100% on the perfection tracker, but the only achievement in Steam that hasn't popped yet is "Mystery Of The Stardrops".
I've checked my save file in the Stardew Checkup website, and it says i *should* have the...
im playing on pc on the xbox app verson and i just completed the full prairie king mingame without dying and i recieved the achievement for it on the xbox app but not ingame.
anyone know what I'm supposed to do about that? cuz its slightly annoying after all that work.