1.6 on switch

  1. Switch Control issue

    I don't know how to explain, but I'm going to do my best. When filling kegs with coffee beans it won't fill the kegs unless you're facing them. I'm pretty sure this happens with some other things but I can't remember what. I'm pretty sure it has to do with holding certain items... The bug varies...
  2. Switch Issues on 1.6

    My sister and I have both been playing the new 1.6 update on our separate Switch Lites, and have noticed issues and bugs that haven't been there before. This is a list of the things we've both encountered. Number of items in chests not showing up in the tooltip when crafting using the workbench...

    I have the Japanese Collectors Edition on switch, and i cannot update my game from to the new 1.6. I have archived the game and tried updating again and still says 1.5 is up to date. Are the people with these editions not going to receive an update??
  4. 1.6 Update Stardew crashing on switch

    I've been noticing some really bad lagging on switch, even when walking around, I can't use bombs or entry in the skull cavern, hope it'll get fixed soon, I'm really happy with the new 1.6 and so excited to enjoy it all :)