
  1. Marian224

    Windows [BUG] 1.5 Verry low performance when raining

    The games was broken after a while from what I see and is not fixed. When raining the games just lags, low fps on 1.5.6 started from first 1.5.0 And when no rainig still has lag spikes. Drops from smooth 60 fps all the time to 30 fps. This was working fine a long time ago. Even the 1.2.26 is...
  2. PC [BUG] Inconsistent penalty and no warning mail when passing out on Ginger Island

    I've observed two things when passing out on Ginger Island: The money penalty I'm hit with is 2500g, instead of the 1000g on mainland. You get no mail the next morning explaining that someone found you and how much money did you lose in the process. I remember before getting the cabin built on...
  3. PC [BUG] [1.5.0 Hotfixed AND 1.5.1] Neptune's Glaive not dropable / removable from inventory

    OS: Windows 10 2004 German Version: Both 1.5.0 Hotfixed and 1.5.1 GOG, German Simple as it is, fished a Neptune's Glaive which I can't throw away or move it to the trash bin. Yet I'm able to drop it to a chest. Didn't try to sell it. Other weapons work fine. It didn't happen in any savegame I...