File information
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Project Populate Json AssetsUploaded by
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About this mod
Mizu's crop sprites are now able to be used with JsonAssets.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Portuguese
- Mirrors
- Changelogs
Consider using Cornucopia - More Crops and/or Cornucopia - More Flowers, a continuation by some of the original PPJA artists.

Tired of having a bunch of crops you'll never plant?
Want to use a more crop mod but your mod list is already too long?
Well fear not! Mizu's Custom Crop Sprites are now compatible with JsonAssets by spacechase0.
Included in this mod are the crop and herb (vegetable) sprites.
Mizu's Canary Melon and Watermelon are compatible with Eemie's Melon Variety.

- ChefRude
- MizuJakkaru
If you would like to contribute to the project, we welcome pull requests on our Github repo! You may also submit ideas or translations there.

See MouseyPounds database!

- Latest version of Json Assets
- Latest version of SMAPI
- Latest version of SpaceCore
- Latest version of Mail Framework Mod
- Latest version of Content Patcher (optional, for legacy sprites for Tea Leaves/Crop, Green Tea, and Rice (added in 1.4))

Step 1. Install SMAPI, Json Assets, SpaceCore, Content Patcher (optional), and Mail Framework Mod (optional).
Step 2. Download this mod and extract the zip file anywhere you would like. There are 2 files included in the download:
[JA] Fruits and Veggies
[MFM] Fruits and Veggies
Step 3. Drag & Drop the extracted folder(s) directly into the /Mods folder.

Step 1. Remove every existing item (crop, clothing, seeds, etc.) excluding items in shops & letters.
Step 2. Remove the corresponding folders.
Forgetting to remove existing items (especially in your inventory) can crash your game.

Please make sure to follow the steps/general troubleshooting found here before posting your log. 90% of errors users report can be solved by following those steps.
If you're still having issues, attach your SMAPI log or reach out to the community in the Stardew Valley Discord.