Plantopia Farm

Plantopia Farm 1.0.0

This map replaces the default "Standard Farm" Map.
After this mod is installed, you need to start a new game and choose "Standard Farm".

  • A relatively large and simple green farm ( 150 x 65 ) with ample space for your ideal layout.
  • Space for large fields of golden wheat, barley or corn. Your imagination is the limit.
  • All grass is tillable.
  • Has a small northern river with space for at least 55 crab pots.
  • The farm is surrounded by lush seasonal forest.
  • All warp points function as intended and there are no strange "warping into the middle of the farm" issues.

This Farm map requires SMAPI and Content Patcher.
This Farm map is compatible with any re-color mods.
This Farm map should work with almost any recent version of Stardew Valley.

Feel free to post your ideas, comments and suggestions.

To download this map, look at the top-right of this post and click on "Go to download".
To uninstall this map, simply delete [CP] Plantopia Farm from your Mods folder.
First release
Last update
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