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Content Patcher Compact Farm 1.0

Adds a new farm to the list - a compact but fully functional farm map.

Forest foraging enabled. A balance between small and allowing for some buildings, and farming.

You can select one of a few starter packs:

  • Parsnips (default): 15 parsnip seeds and some parsnip soup.
  • Farming: Golden watering can and hoe, 20 speed grow, 20 coffee beans, 3 kegs, 3 large chests
  • Foraging: Golden Axe and pickaxe, wooden sword, 3x furnace, 2x recycle machine, 20 field snacks, 3 large chests
  • Fishing: Fish smoker, Bait maker, 3 large chests, 5 worm bins, 10 crap pots, 2 midnight carp, 2 squid
  • Wild Farming: 40 of each seasonal seeds, Golden watering can and hoe, 3 large chests
  • Tooling: Golden tools, wooden sword, 3x large chest
To change edit config.json file or use GenericModConfigMenu mod to configure it in-game before starting a new game.
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Reactions: REtroGeekery
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