Suggestions concerning the customizability


First of all, sorry for my english, it's not my first language.

So, I have been playing Stardew Valley since its beginning, and I can say this is the kind of game to play over and over again, for years. I like Stardew Valley because it keeps different everytime I play, since there are many choices to cusmomize your farm and focus on different aspects of the gameplay. That being said, I would like to suggest to a future update another ways to customize.

For example, I would like more options for fences (like different kinds of wood, a mix with wood and flowers, bushes, etc.), for furniture (how cool would it be if we could randomly dig up some cool furniture, with different levels of rarity?) and more importantly, more options to customize your building (probably through Robin, with changes of color, materials, etc).

I am aware of the existence of the mods, but there is an extra factor in the fun when you can get the customization through the gameplay, counting with all the randomness instead of just getting the stuff without the effort/luck.


Staff member
New fence styles would be a great addition! And it would be great to customize farm buildings, especially the farm house.