If you could have one feature of sdv irl which would you pick?

Lew Zealand

Yes! A fully upgraded backpack would mean that I could carry up to 35964 garlic bulbs at the same time!!! Oh and maybe a phone or wallet.
That makes me think of Peter Rabbit stuck under a basket for hours with the smell of onions piling up in the enclosed, stuffy space. I might just give you a bit of clearance while passing on the street.

For safety of course, you know, 2m/6ft and all...
People mailing me random stuff in the mail all the time. Food, recipes, hay, stone, chopped wood, etc. You just get free stuff all the time and somehow it always fits in your mailbox.

Similarly, the enormous weightless space that is your backpack! No matter how much is in there you never have to unpack everything to get that one thing stuck at the bottom only to find out it is broken now.


Underrated comment right here -- the get-out-of-corporate-jail card. So many of us yearning to leave the rat race and just not having the means. 🥺
Truly! Honestly Stardew has really helped me evaluate my life and how much time I was giving to things out of obligation. It’s helped me be more focused on my close community and friendships, and I’ve really stepped back from consumerism where I can to just enjoy the space I live in and just make where I’m at a little home. It’s funny that a cute little game honestly offers so much 🌈✨