

Hiking when we can manage it--we're waiting on one child to grow longer legs, though, so we don't really do that much. Music (harp and voice) when I have the energy, which hasn't been often recently. Baking is probably the one that I do the most right now; I managed to bake one of my best cakes yet for my oldest child's birthday last week.

Lew Zealand

Astronomy and retraining my brain. It was woefully under- and mis-used when I was a smaller person and it takes decades to undo the resulting atrophy. Success has been spotty and in fact I'm putting off something rather important right this minute which could probably be taken care of in a few of hours spread out over a day or three.

I've been putting it off for over 17 months now, so certain successes are elusive. However just posting about it here is helping so thanks to you all and especially sunflower013 for the original post!

Edit: I just finished the putty-off-thing and another super-delayed competitor and it's weird not to have something I've been avoiding hanging over my head. Just means there's some other buzzard looming out there but it feels good to have them done!
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My hobbies... hmm.

Well, I like drawing and playing games. I usually like to draw the character in the game I played. So, new game means more to draw. But, there's still one problem I usually face when doing my hobby... and that is my "laziness." It has been my great great enemy, my nemesis.

Oh, I also like to tell my little brother about what's right, wrong, good, and bad. I like to imagine myself as the clueless master Jedi and my little brother as the padawan. I guess I can call that a hobby too.

(Yes, I am a fan of Star Wars.)


Hobbies? Aside from trying to carve out time to read or play video games, I love reading, tending my trees, and figuring out how to build and fix things. I suppose my house could count as a hobby; aside from slowly renewing it, I've been learning as much as I can about its history. Last year, we showed up unnanounced on the doorstep of an 80-year-old lady:
She: Hello?
Me: Are you So-and-So?
She: Yeees?
Me: Did you use to live on U Street?
She: (nodding) Number-number-number?
Me: Yeah, I think we live in your old house.
She: Come on in! I'm just making dinner!

It was awesome, and sometimes I call her up to hear more stories about what it was like to live there 70 years ago. :)