Hello people!


Hello there, I call myself General Kenobi Lightharion (or Light for short) on the World Wide Web, I bought this game on the last Steam summer sale out of curiosity and played it for the first time on Thursday (09-07) from the last week and it was love at first sight, can't believe I didn't discovered this game before, this game is so full of life and feels is easy to get attached to every NPC. I'm currently finishing my 2nd Spring with my 1st character right now and have barely 59 hours of game time and I'm still amazed that I've (perhaps) discovered like only 15-20% of the full game experience. Discovered the subreddit a few days ago and my mind is blown of how much creativity people have on their farms (or memes in general), I just discovered this forum after lurking ConcernedApe's twitter and here I am now. Nice to meet you all and sorry for overextending my introduction. :proud: