Forest Farm Cyras Farm - Year 7 but still small and cozy


I've seen many pictures of other farms, most of them with many buildings and paths. Sometimes it feels cold to see that a complete farm is built up. No free space to relax, no fresh grass for the animals. Sure, it's up to you to build the farm of your choice but I asked myself, if I am the only one who prefer a farm that for sure has its place for farming and artisan goods but with a wide unbuilt area?


I mean, it is simple built but clearly too, because I can see finished things directly. I can't complain financially either. My earnings are about 8k to 10k in average a day. Sometimes a bit less, sometimes more than 30k. More than enough for me. My daily work ends at about 11 am, so I have a lot of free time for other things. Much more important for me is that my animals have all the free space and all the fresh grass they wish to feel very happy. And sometimes I relax with them a bit.


Well, all important things for artisan goods are in the greenhouse. Blueberries all year long. Yeah, blueberries! Yoghurt, quark and jelly with blueberries. So delicious. You have to try it. Really. Eh, what else do I have in there? Pomegranate Trees, ancient fruits, coffee beans, strawberries and hops, so everything I need for good wine, coffee, pale ale and jelly.

Honestly, what else do I need? This is my 2nd farm. My first one was riverland and not that optimized. Now I am very happy with that cozy farm, I have good incomes and more than enough time for everything Stardew Valley offers (which is a lot).


This is a very lovely farm! And you are not alone in not building up your farm. In all my play throughs I never felt the need to completely build up and pave on the whole farm. Here is my current farm, summer year 2. Half of it is forest and grass and I don’t really plan to add much to it. I still need to get the ancient seed for the greenhouse but the income is already good. I don’t want to create any extra choirs for myself, that just kills the fun for me.



I like it! I’m thinking of doing a forest farm for my 2nd play through, because I thought it would be a little more relaxing with more time to forage.


This is a very lovely farm! And you are not alone in not building up your farm. In all my play throughs I never felt the need to completely build up and pave on the whole farm. Here is my current farm, summer year 2. Half of it is forest and grass and I don’t really plan to add much to it. I still need to get the ancient seed for the greenhouse but the income is already good. I don’t want to create any extra choirs for myself, that just kills the fun for me.
Thank you and glad you understand me! I like your way of building too. It still looks like a farm and not like a town. ^^ I had an area of common trees on my first farm. Good source for wood but it bothered me that they grow up uncontrolled with planted seeds in the ground that I didn't always see. For this farm I decided that it is enough to have some tapper in the Cindersap Forest and chop some trees every now and then. In a short time you have more than enough wood anyway. And thanks to the forest farm I always have "trees" on my farm. ^^

I like it! I’m thinking of doing a forest farm for my 2nd play through, because I thought it would be a little more relaxing with more time to forage.
Thank you! The forest farm is my favorite after testing all farms for about 2 or 3 seasons. It is clear and pretty, you have hard wood and a good source for foraging especially in the salmon- and blackberries season. And yes, foraging is very relaxing, a good way of passing the time and very profitable with the botanist skill. Suits well that Leah is my wife. ^^
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This is the first farm showcase I ever saw that made me feel ok. This is how I play too. Now maybe sometime I will share my own. My layouts tend to be compact with lots of grass and forest. No fences; I like to watch the animals frolic.