Share your in-game outfits

Lew Zealand

OG Bobbi.PNG
This is OG Bobbi, as I first started the game, sans bow of course. My avatar here used to be this look plus Cat Ears but teh booring just killed me so you get the ugly it is now. Improvement!
UO Bobbi.PNG
Switched to this and later added the green braids. I like this hair better honestly, so it'll probably stay.
Yard work.PNG
Farm work requires more casual attire and green Wellies
Beach Bobbi.PNG
Chilling at the beach means staying as cool as possible. Airflow is optimized here.
Beach Bobbi 2.PNG
No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service, whatever... I'm prepared and still festive.
Casual Formal.PNG
Casual Formal sometimes comes up, like the Governor's visit or Thursdays.
More formal occasions like the Flower Dance or Spring 1 call for less frill...
Saloon Evening.PNG
... or more Cat Ears for an evening in the Saloon
formal Cat.PNG
In Winter I prefer this to absorb the maximal rays of the feeble Sun.

Oops, ran out of attachments (10 max). Hopefully to be continued...
Nice! With in-game outfits or with mods?
It's in-game. It's hard to make accurate but I used the items that is closed to her outfits.
Her hair style is very distinct. It's really hard to match her hair color as well.
But this is the best I can do. I am glad how it turns out.
> Blue Long Vest
> Farmer Pants
> Thundra shoes
> Watermelon band

Lew Zealand

A very kind @Laissez_Faire_Farming reminded me that I'd posted some outfits recently which I'd also wanted to post to this thread but in the flurry of outfit changes was... sadly forgotten.

But no longer!

Here I present to you the star of the Pirate Evening Collection, complete with sparkles:

Note the ease of sword movement and the breathability of the fabrics. Infusion of Omni Geode is the key ingredient, combined with thousand year linen-making traditions handed down through the generations. Apparently rats were involved for much of that time, documents are a trifle smudged. Note: eyepatch imcompatible with glasses, so I got LASIK. See what I do for you people?!?


Here we have a spicy take from the Underground Collection:


Note the how complementary monochromatic fabrics flow and accentuate the proper lines. They draw the viewer's attention to the eye colors which both echo but also dominate those of the snakes. Note: eye color also not compatible with glasses.

Note that disaster here was averted by the very skin of my teeth. No, not getting there at 1:50pm. No, I brushed that morning! (sheesh...). The true disaster was...

We both could have been wearing SPARKLES!!

This Public Service Announcement paid for by Harvey's Clinic and Spectacle Emporium, where we say: "Yes we can see you now, and then you can see us afterwards!"



This is my current in-game outfit. Lime green tunic, farmer pants, fedora, cinderclown shoes. It's about the same I made during character creation. The only changes I've made are the boots and adding the hat (as well as trying different winter hats, before just staying with my faithful fedora).


The only other outfit I ever wore in-game was my wedding one. Gold-trimmed shirt, simple dress, tundra boots and daisy. It looked really nice in the cutscene, much better than on this pic.

Lew Zealand

View attachment 6629
This is my current in-game outfit. Lime green tunic, farmer pants, fedora, cinderclown shoes. It's about the same I made during character creation. The only changes I've made are the boots and adding the hat (as well as trying different winter hats, before just staying with my faithful fedora).

View attachment 6630
The only other outfit I ever wore in-game was my wedding one. Gold-trimmed shirt, simple dress, tundra boots and daisy. It looked really nice in the cutscene, much better than on this pic.
Hard to imagine it looking even better as it looks fantastic already.

...and of course +1 for spectacles.


I meant to post these for Halloween, but of course I forgot, so lets pretend we're absolutely not in November yet.


Out of my way you vile... air I guess?

You have three wishes, and the first two don't count

Such a skilled magician I make squares appear out of thin air

The art, the artist

Fishin' cursors in the rain ♫♪

We have to save the princess- wait, I'M the princess

Can I spy on the while town too?

So what happens if I mix bleach and ammonia?

These pecks are 100% natural I swear

I'm having way too much fun with this.