Which Stardew character's personality do you most identify with?


hh. Different aspects of me show up in, like, almost all of the NPCs i think... i'll just list some of em ig

  • Maru's nerdy science thing
  • Sebastian's reserved emo dude side
  • Sam's outgoing happy bro side
  • Shane's depressiveness
  • Abigail's adventurousness(I like exploring :P)
  • Leah's nature-loving chillness
  • Haley's snobby bastard-ness
  • Alex's uncanny desire for physical fitness
  • Emily's spiritual guru side

annndd idk those are some lol

Dr. eeL

Nobody wants to be Shane, but I'm Shane.
If 100 farmer maidens had to pick between marrying Sebastian or Shane, Shane might not get picked at all. But I believe that they would soon regret their choice. Consider that both have younger sisters (who tend to adore their older brothers). How they respond in turn to their sisters is a litmus test of how they would respond to their farmer wife. Sebastian essentially ignores Maru, while Shane obviously loves Jaz (even if she is his god-daughter). Stuck out in the middle of nowhere on a farm, you can always talk chicken with Shane; the pretty emo (emotionally monotone), in contrast, does not seem to have a lot of interest in your farm. Having faced his worst fears, and actively sought help, Shane is someone to be proud of.
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hh. Different aspects of me show up in, like, almost all of the NPCs i think... i'll just list some of em ig

  • Maru's nerdy science thing
  • Sebastian's reserved emo dude side
  • Sam's outgoing happy bro side
  • Shane's depressiveness
  • Abigail's adventurousness(I like exploring :P)
  • Leah's nature-loving chillness
  • Haley's snobby bastard-ness
  • Alex's uncanny desire for physical fitness
  • Emily's spiritual guru side

annndd idk those are some lol
I also identify with these characters for the same reasons. I wonder if I should be concerned? 🤔


Sebastian and Shane, I’m currently married to Sebastian and Shane is one of my best friends, I honestly relate to both in one way or another.


Demetrius. He's a nerd (like me). I'd also make sure if I had a daughter she'd be nerdy, too. :laugh:

(I also try to take care of my step-kids as well as I can).

Dr. eeL

Demetrius. He's a nerd (like me). I'd also make sure if I had a daughter she'd be nerdy, too. :laugh:

(I also try to take care of my step-kids as well as I can).
As a fellow Demetrius, I was delighted to have a daughter. She is such a fanatic daddy's girl that my wife was, and still remains jealous. Early on, she loved coming to the laboratory, where in the beginning she used up all the colored lab tape to make creative pictures. Later, she moved on to having hamster races in the hallway, with colored ribbons on their tails. She encountered her first experience with racism, when in college, in a science classroom of 500 primarily Asian students, there was a wide circle of empty seats around her, as no one wanted to sit near a happy, white, long haired blonde girl from California with big sunglasses. They all thought that she was stupid. Little did they realize, that she held the top grade in the class. Today, she is happily married and makes more money than I ever did.
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Consider that both have younger sisters (who tend to adore their older brothers). How they respond in turn to their sisters is a litmus test of how they would respond to their farmer wife. Sebastian essentially ignores Maru, while Shane obviously loves Jaz.
Jas is Shane's goddaughter.
My best friend told me leah is basically me. I'm an artist, I would 100% love her cabin & if I lived there I'd probably be as chipper as her, we have the same hair, slap some glasses on her & we could swap places parent-trap style.
Oh, and the crippling self doubt. That too :sweat:
An artist you say? Would you be opposed to sharing some of your work with us in the future?