1.5 Progress Update: What's up with Willy?

Magically Clueless

Staff member
ConcernedApe posted a new tweet today about his progress with 1.5!

He's referenced some more end-game content... what do you guys think will be in the 1.5 update, and what do you think this means for Willy?

(For those that haven't seen, 1.5 will include banana trees! We talked about it some here, and the tweets are in there as well)


I can't wait! I'd love character development!! and maybe fishing from boats?! Islands?! .... so much possibilities !!!!!
New romance characters?!?!? ahhh


Maybe it will work like the bus, where you have to pay willy a fee to travel to new locations using his boat, he did mention he and his father were travelling from island to island as I recall, so maybe once you get enough hearts with him, he takes you to fish to new exotic fishing spots which change daily, for a fee of course.
ConcernedApe posted a new tweet today about his progress with 1.5!

He's referenced some more end-game content... what do you guys think will be in the 1.5 update, and what do you think this means for Willy?

(For those that haven't seen, 1.5 will include banana trees! We talked about it some here, and the tweets are in there as well)
YES YES YES! the only thing beside willy content I want to see is well more movies! and an option to give Dwarf an english dwarf guide. I wanna see him understand movies!


I can't wait to see more of Willy! Fishing is my favorite part of this game so I've become close with Willy and I'm so excited for whatever is to come!! I hope theres like deep-sea stuff or maybe something with the mermaid (from the mermaid show) or the merpeople the Wizard talks about OR the other sea monster you see sometimes?! I just can't wait!