My one-by-one farm


I decided to try a challenge: reach level 10 in a skill before start with another. Here my log!

Spring 1, year 1: Sayed hi to everyone. Bought 50 wood to build a chest where toss all except hoe. Sleep.
Spring 2: Willy gave me the fishing rod. Fishing as much as I can, reached level 2 + 1300 gold + first fish achievement. Nice!
Spring 3: it's raining. Fishing in the lake in the morning, at the sea in the evening. Reached level 3. Tomorrow I'll buy the fiberglass rod.
Spring 4: bought the fiberglass rod. Reached level 4. I found several treasure chests in 3 days of fishing.
Spring 5: triggered the community center. Reached level 5 fishing at the lake.
Spring 6-7: did errands for community centre, fishing, founding some artefacts in chests, reached lv6. Bought something from the travelling cart.
Spring 8: fishing all day at the lake. Caught 40 fishes, all gold and iridium quality, level up at lv 7!
Spring 9: bought iridium rod, fished all day.
Except spring 1 and 5, it was always rainy. I used, as seed, "1×1", if you want to try.
Spring 10: fishing a lot, hit level 8. It needs around 45 gold and iridium lake fish
Spring 11: fishing. I bought some copper and coal and tomorrow I'll upgrade the axe.
Spring 12: fishing
Spring 13: going to fish in the early morning, hit lv9, going to the egg hunt festival. Enjoy!
Spring 14: going fishing at the lake. I think I empity the fish population of the lake 😆
Spring 15: I brought the axe to Clint, I need the steel axe! Went around picking salmonberry. Went to the lake.
Spring 16: as yesterday. Hit level 10 with the last fish, at 11.30 pm!
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I've considered doing this too, but not sure I can restrain myself from doing other skills. I'll be interested how this goes for you over a longer period of time.


Spring 17, year 1: going to take the steel axe. Forest's trees, I'm coming!
Spring 18: fueling my deforestation work with green algae, I confortfully hit lv3 of foraging, picking salmonberry too.
Spring 19: only 5 trees in the forest are still here (today), and foraging level hit 4! I have all the farm, too, to clean, plus the daily beach and secret forest.
Spring 21: hit lv5! I'll have to go back fishing, for few days, waiting for trees regrow. Soon will be summer, so, new fish!
Spring 21-summer 12: chopping tree and tree logs (in secret forest), growing summer wild see in the farm (using hoe and watering can don't give farming point, so it's ok), fishing to make money, going around talking with people. Friendship with Caroline, tea sapling recipe, MONEY! I completed the vault bundle and repaired the bus, but I'll not go to the desert, for now. Hit foraging lv 8! I think I'll need the rest of the summer to hit the lv 10. All fall will go for mining and winter foor fighting, but if I'll reach lv 10 before the end of the winter, I can continue to explore skull cavern. I have copper watery can (waiting for nex rainy day to improve it to steel) and steel pickaxe ready for the moment I'll start the mining run. Men, my farm if PACKED with stone.
Funny note: with the recicler, I obtained cloth pretty early, around in middle spring. Emily come and said "wow, your farm seems incredible!", and ok girl, I know it's ironic, because my "farm" is a messy of scattered stone and branches and wild trees and grass everywhere and the only sign of someone living here are 2 chests near the door! :grin:

Sorry the horryble english, not a lot of sleep for me in the last... 3 years? ^^,
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Summer 20: lv 9! I calculated the ex-point in "tree equivalent": 1 log is 2 tree-equivalent, 1 wild foraging is 1/2. I need 386 tree-equivalent to hit lv 10. At summer 22 I have 58 tree-equivalent!


Local Legend
Wow, you're progressing really quickly! I could never focus on anything for such a sustained period. I have pretty severe ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and even when taking medicine for it, my mind bounces from one thing to the next. My crops are all staggered to ripen at different times so that I don't have to harvest everything all in the same day, because otherwise I would stop in the middle of the field and start screaming. It is extremely inefficient!


Summer 21-fall 7: trees are few, luckly the logs in secret forest respawn. Growing the wild seed helped a lot. Sunday I reached lv10 with foraging, I tossed the axe in a chest, grabbed the pickaxe and cleaned the farm. Reached lv2 in mining in no time!
Fall 8: finished to clean the farm, cleaned the forest, the train station zone, the town. Robin started to built the coop: I want have delux coop, delux barn and a full silo before start farming.
Fall 10: blackberries season, so I spent some time to harvest them: free food! Hit lv4 mining. The secret is break only the gray stone and copper ore: 3/4 exp point and 5 exp point guarantee. Other rocks give exp point only if they drop coal.
Fall 13: lv 5!
Fall 15: lv6! And I arrived on floor 10 of the mines!
Fall 16: stardew valley fair
Fall 18: a day off, Clint opened my geodes, I fished a bit to make some cash.
Fall 20: lv7! And floor 15!
Fall 25: Lv8! And I have a ton of copper, wood and stone.
I'll have to take some day off to fish and made some money.
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Winter 14: lv10 in mining! I brought the broken trident, let's start combact!
Winter 15: lv2 in fighting, floor 55 in the mine.
Winter 27: lv7 in fighting, floor 120 in the mines, Rasmodius ask for prismatic jelly and I found the slime.
I had to skip some days of fighting because a) festival and b) need to improve the pickaxe.
A good tip to level up in fighting: craft a ton of stairs in the morning, check the floors in the mine until you found a infested one (slimes are the best, expecially if you are searching for the prismatic slime), reset the day and go to that level.
With monster musk, the leveling is faster!
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this is absolutely insane. on some of my farms ive spent years trying to get level ten everything (Might be skill issue) but havent gotten them all. i see that you get finish fishing in half a month and my jaw hits the floor. this is the kind of dedication many people, including me, wish they had.


this is absolutely insane. on some of my farms ive spent years trying to get level ten everything (Might be skill issue) but havent gotten them all. i see that you get finish fishing in half a month and my jaw hits the floor. this is the kind of dedication many people, including me, wish they had.
It's all pianification, to be honest. Fishing gave me money to improve axe and pickaxe, so foraging and mining is easier. Wild see are excellent for forage leveling, plus with fiber and wood (you have to have luck and have Linus' quest in fall) you can craft the tea sapling (=BIG MONEY). With big money, delux coop and barn and a lot of animals!


Spring 1, year 2: last friday I bought a iridium sprinkler and today I planted 1 green bean, 1 potatoe and 1 cauliflower, plus the ancient seed. Fighting only shadow brute, shadow shaman, red slimes and lava bats, I reached lv8 and I'm halfway for lv 9!
Spring 4: hit lv9. The witch left a black egg in my empity coop, I put it in incubator and will hatch the day I'll start farming!
Spring 5: a monster nicely drop a prismatic shard!
Spring 7: I think I'll hit lv 10 in 1-2 days. Monster musk + floors 80-120 are gold for this challenge!
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A good tip to level up in fighting: craft a ton of stairs in the morning, check the floors in the mine until you found a infested one (slimes are the best, expecially if you are searching for the prismatic slime)
Is that quicker than just constantly re-visiting floor 105 and club slamming the shadow brutes for 15xp per pop? If the monster floor isn't on a floor ending in 1, you're either going to waste time finding all the ladders to get back down to it each time, or you're going to use up a mountain of stones on staircases.

And if it's one of the really awkward layouts, with a load of dead ends, e.g. floor 4, 6, 7, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 34, 39 and probably a couple of others I've missed, you'll lose so much time running around to get all the monsters, and then sometimes also lose time getting back to the exit again if the last kill lands in an awkward spot and doesn't spawn a ladder.


Spring 1, year 2: last friday I bought a iridium sprinkler and today I planted 1 green bean, 1 potatoe and 1 cauliflower, plus the ancient seed. Fighting only shadow brute, shadow shaman, red slimes and lava bats, I reached lv8 and I'm halfway for lv 9!
When I first saw this I wondered how it would be for community center completion but I see you’re in excellent position to get it done. If I get to a point where I want to do a challenge run I think I’ll try this.