When you sneak into Pierre's Booth at the Egg Festival

Lew Zealand

Walk all the way to the East/right of Pierre's Store, then up North and then behind it back to the West/left. I remember the first time I found that and was rather pleased with Pierre's reaction. I almost liked him better for it.



I wondered why he got so mad. I mean he knows me I'm the trustworthy farmer.(not a nosey farmer who snoops through his private stuff). Maybe I just wanted to relieve him to go spend time with his lovely family. Sheesh P, take a chill pill.
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Finally... I can sneak behind and collect all his stock! Thank you this will be most helpful.

Don't worry, I'll sell it back to him with a markup in price-
Just make sure you charge him 10x the amount. You know, for *spoilers* trying to sell your gold star produce at that rate.