What is the backstory and personality of your farmer?


My favorite farmer is named Lia. She grew up visiting her grandfather every sunday at church, so when he died, it hit her hard. She broke up with her boyfriend Max and resigned from her job at a plant nursery to work at JoJa. When she moved to pelican town, she immediately developed a crush on Sebastian, because he shared her outlook on life and was the only one who actually liked her deep purple hair. She became friends with Leah and Maru too, and Jas would always follow her around like a puppy. To be honest, she liked the people more then she liked the farm. The reason she fixed the community center wasn’t for the repairs around the farm, it was so Vincent and Jas had a place to play other then the town square, so Sebastian and his friends had a place to hang out besides the bushes in front of Emily and Haley’s house. two years later, she married Sebastian, and had two children named Tara and Jacob. She was, to put it simply, happy.

sorry for the long read haha
Simply not a good person at SV. I have sinned too much. I need to repent to Yoba... 🙏🙏 😓😓 :yoba: Everyone needs a Yoba.
Her name is Paula. She is ambitious and motivated by her self-interest. She is extremely selfish and snobby. Her house interior is really dark, with many black knight armors, golden braziers, and minibar. Paula is happy to live at the Stardew Valley because she could stay away from the corporation and toxic work environment. She decided to follow her grandpa's legacy to honor him and become financially secure. She does not want to follow Joja's path because of her bad previous experience working at Joja. Instead, she chose the community center's path.

She only cares about collecting money, rare items, and make good quality artisan foods. Paula is not interested in making friends but wants to use people to get their recipes and free presents in the mail.
But deep down, she is generous and empathetical, and she would donate large amounts of money or rare items to the community and give away prismatic shards as gifts in Winter Star. ((If she has one prismatic shard left, she would be happy to give away anyway.)) Despise she is cold most of the time, she would listen, give hugs, and support to all of the NPC at Stardew Valley who is facing a difficult time.

Her ultimate goal:
Her number one priority is to be 100 % perfect and follow her grandfather's legacy. She wants to be as extraordinary as Mr. QI. The question is will she be happy?
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Her mission:
My farmer's alias is Mrs. Mary Boyle (her codename is Velvet Thunder). She is a spy working for the Gotoro government, stationed in Pelican Town because of the valley's vast quantities of valuable materials. Her goal is to drive the Joja corporation out of town so that they stop probing the land for resources. She also will venture further out into the valley to survey how easy it would be to invade and exploit its riches. Basically, she's seeing how viable a naval invasion would be and if it's worth it.

Her cover:

She claims that she inherited the farm from her late grandfather (the will was likely fabricated or stolen). Her aim is to prepare the town gradually for a Gotoro invasion by gaining their trust and subliminally making them disloyal to the republic. She is stationed in Stardew Valley for five years until the Gotoro Empire finally makes its major naval advance on the republic. She mainly farms chicken and cattle since she had prior farming experience with livestock. When the Gotoro Empire succeeds in its invasion, she will quickly flee back to her homeland and vanish without a trace.
Her true personality type is unknown, she pretends to be an extroverted harmless, unsuspecting old woman.


my farmer's name is midori. She is at her late-twenties, and moved to granpa's farm to escape her depressive office job. She never liked the city, and couldn't trust the peopleshe met, as everyone always either expected something from her and wanted to use her.
When she moves to the valley, she is taken aback by how genuine everyone there is, and how everyone tries to enjoy the moment they live in. She meets penny, and they talk about literature and poetry together, their common interest. They bond quickly, and midori feels loved for the first time in her life.
After that she works her very best to make everyone's lives easier and better at the valley, as well as farming in the morning and sharing a cup of tea with her wife as they read a book together, with their cute little cat resting next to them in the evenings.


My farmer is Lex, and he loves all his animals & making food and drinks for the town with his produce machines (kegs, preserves bins, etc).

He's only halfway through Winter 1, but thinks he's getting a hang of this farming thing. Not a fan of fishing, but making progress on his other skills.

Keeping too busy to make lots of friends. A couple villagers are warming up to him though, and he has his eyes on dating Elliott in the next year.

*This is only my second save file. The first got to 6th of Summer year 1 before I wandered off


My Farmer was a history nerd and map enthusiast named Lapis, who moved to Stardew Valley for who the **** cares! He immediately hit off with Haley for some reason, and he has good relations with Abigail and Linus. He's a gardener, Fisher, and errand boy for the town, so this culminates in a weird schedule that doesn't make any sense but he's happy about anyways. Lapis is a very content man, never wanting to build those huge industrial (in the "large and automated" sense) farms he hears about, just wanting to talk people and to try and enjoy life for it's simpler pleasures. Lapis gets into things he's interested really hard, though he usually gets interested in weird things, like the history of Bohemia or Thorium. He also talks like Elliot and doesn't hate JoJa, he just doesn't have need to walk across town to buy things from them. He gets most of the things he needs from Pierre's, though after Morris rubbed it in Pierre's face when he took away Pierre's customer, he has had a bit of a grudge against him.


Honestly, I really just imagine my farmer as myself in the future. I'm almost 20 and I'm in college right now as a game design major, so there's plenty of potential ahead (I hope)...but what if things don't go as planned? Say there's no place for me in the industry and I wind up with some monotonous desk job. Fortunately, my grandpa's healthy and isn't some sociopath that places his bed in the center of the room, but maybe I'd get bored, and with nothing to lose, I could move far away from the city.

This might be silly, but imagining things turning out that way and making myself the "farmer" provides me with a sliver of hope that no matter what happens, I could be happy one day. :)

And maybe someday I can also make 22 million dollars.
I just use my own name on all my farms and haven't created any kind of backstory before. But recently with starting my beach farm and deciding to do a Joja path, I figure maybe my character can be a parallel universe me who's more self-absorbed and only there to enjoy a chill life on her private beach and is all for Joja making things more convenient. I didn't decide on this until after I started, so now I'm trying to befriend the wizard to change her name to the shortened version and give her maybe a fancier hairstyle.


Local Legend
My farmer is just obsessed with money and money only and his only quest is to become the richest farmer which he will then use the funds for... ahem?.... he'll use them for what.... really?.... Uh, well, through recent information he will be using the money to buy obscene amounts of a useless item which he won't ever even use...

(He's not the most generous)


My actual farmer is Honey, with the hilltop farm "Millefiori" (thousand flowers).
She loves honey (oh, yeah?), and flowers and nice things. She hated the city because there aren't flowers and bees and birds, but she had to work at joja to repay studet loan.
When the last gil of her student loan was payed, she flee away in the country (her parents hoped she become a hight rank employ in joja but, nope!) and start to live in the wonderfull nature of Stardew Valley.
She has made A LOT of honeybee comb, and she loves the smell of fairy rose honey from ginger island and the mead from the wild flower honey.
Honey has got few animals, she love them but doesn't want a lot of them (one for each type is enought - but she expeciallhy love Saura, her dino) because they require ma lot of care.
At the moment is married with Sam, and spend her days caring the exotic orchard near grandpa's shrine (some mango and banana trees), crafting new honeybee comb and sometimes digging in the skull cavern searching for prismatic shards because they are cute and she want a chest full of them! Sometimes she take an entire day just to redecorate the sheds where she made wive or meads, or the home or the farm.


(I apologize for the long post, but I got carried away with writing my character story. Hope you enjoy it!)

Backstory and events leading up to the current character

My farmer is Ash. She grew up in the suburbs, you know typical family and typical life. The only thing that was not typical was her visits to grandpa's beach farm. She spent her summers there. It was her favorite time of the year, and she always looked forward to the summer. Being on grandpa's farm was pure paradise to Ash. While she and her grandpa spent days working on the farm, Ash always took time to take in the scenery. She also met other townspeople and got to know them over time. Ash always liked Ms. Pam, and it would not be until Ash was a little older than she realized why Pam was always so jolly, especially at night. Grandpa told Ash stories of the mysterious wizard who lived on the edge of town, the gentleman who liked to live off the grid by the mountains. One story Grandpa told Ash was about the mines and how dangerous they were. She wanted to explore them, but her grandpa always forbade Ash to do so. Ash would always be sad at the end of summers, but always held it's memories close to her heart.

One summer, when Ash was a teenager, Grandpa fell ill. Her parents discussed with Ash privately that grandpa was going to pass away from cancer. Ash was devastated. She loved her Grandpa dearly, and couldn't imagine life without him. He passed away sometime later, and Ash did not return to the beach farm. Her parents did not tell her anything regarding the state of the beach farm and who would look after it. Ash eventually graduated from high school and went off to college. She thought of the beach farm a little less these days. Ash graduated college and landed a high-paying job in the city. Life was looking up, but Ash felt something was always missing. While visiting with her parents one day, they informed Ash they had something important to tell her. They told Ash after Grandpa passed away, the farm was left to Ash's mother. Over the years, they visited less and less, and eventually, the farm was in disarray. In Grandpa's will, he left the farm to Ash after she turned eighteen. Her mother felt over the years Ash was focusing more on college and working and felt the farm life would not be suitable for Ash.

After hearing this, Ash was upset to hear that this news was kept from her. She became upset with her parents and stormed out of the house. A week later, Ash and her parents apologized to one another. In the past week, Ash had a lot to think about. While she was seeing a gentleman, she felt they were not getting serious. She started to think about the farm and how much she missed it. It was then she made her mind up. Ash decides to return to the farm she knows and loved, but that means leaving everything behind. Ash packed a few things and went back to the place that brought her so much happiness. Sadly, she and her guy friend broke things off, as he was not happy to hear that Ash was leaving the city.

Upon returning to the farm. she noticed the farm was in dire need of repair. Ash looked around the farm and let out a sigh. There was much work to be done to bring the farm back to its former glory. She did not know where to start. One morning, she got a visit from one of the townspeople and Mayor Lewis. He formally welcomed her into town. In the next few days, Ash met the Animal Keeper Marnie, Robin, who constructs the town's buildings, and got reacquainted with Ms. Pam. Ms. Pam said since the bus service was out, she was unable to work and make her living helping out around town. Ash also met some of the other townspeople. Some were friendly, and some were cautious of her.

Over time, Ash realized she started loving the sweet peas and noticed them around the beach farm. Eventually, she was able to get a barn and coop to house farm animals. Marnie seemed excited to know the animals were being cared for. Ash also adopted a cute tabby cat named Kannelo. People eventually warmed up to Ash, and Pierre the shop owner would beam at the sight of Ash when she went into his store. He let her in on Joja Mart trying to put him out of business and that help was needed to repair the community center. Ash tirelessly worked on her farm and in the community center. She also went into the mines to gather things and found weapons were useful when battling creatures.

While she worked a lot, Ash did have time to enjoy the scenery and spend time with the townspeople for events. While at one of them, she noticed a long-haired gentleman with strong features. Ash always was a little shy with the opposite sex, but she decided to talk to this gentleman. She was smitten from the moment he smiled at her. He introduced himself as Elliott. He is an aspiring writer and decided to come to Stardew Valley to gain some inspiration for his writing. Eventually, Ash would see Elliott more and more at events. Their conversations were always a delight, even if brief. Her focus was the farm, which was looking better over time.

Sometime later, Ash managed to get the carts and bus service restored. Ms. Pam was elated, as she was able to drive again. She took Ash to the Calico Desert on their first trip. Calico Desert was a warm and tropical place, different than Stardew Valley. They'd go to Calico Desert once a week to pick up things that were not available in Stardew Valley. Ash and Ms. Pam became closer over time, like mother and daughter. Pam spent her nights at the Stardrop Saloon, having a drink or two. Ash confided in Ms. Pam about her liking for Elliott. One night, Ms. Pam insisted Ash go with her to the Stardrop Saloon. Elliott happened to be there. A few drinks later, she and Elliott were deep in conversation. The two learned more about each other. Ash could spot Ms. Pam at the end of the bar, giving her the thumbs up. Elliot admitted to Ash that he enjoyed spending time with her and invited Ash to view a reading of a novel he is finishing up. It was for the next day at the library. Ash was working on the farm as usual, then remembered the visit to the library. Ash hurried there and made it just in time. Elliott began to read from his book. sh became enamored at what he was speaking. She now knew his imagination and how vivid it was. After the reading, Ash and Elliot spoke. He thanked her for being able to attend his reading and how happy he was to see her.

Months passed and they grew closer. Ash took time out of her day to visit Elliott at his beach house and learned more about his past and his plans for his writing aspirations, and he'd learn more about Ash's life. It was then she knew she was really liking him. One morning, Ash went to the beach house to see Elliott. He was standing at the pier, smiling at her. On side of the pier, was a boat that could fit two people. He told her that he finally fixed his boat and wanted to take her for a ride. When they drifted from the pier, he looked deep into her eyes. He told her his feeling for her arose in such a way that he wanted more than friendship. Ash was elated to hear that he wanted to be with her, and eventually, build a life with her. In Stardew Valley, there is a tradition that if one wanted to marry someone, they'd visit an older mariner on a rainy day to obtain an enchanted amulet. When Ash felt the time was right, she went to the mariner. He frowned and told her while he felt she was ready, the amulet he possessed is now in the hands of another. Ash gasped and ran off.

When Ash neared Elliot's cabin, she fell on the beach and twisted her ankle. She felt the pain rising within her. Ash tried standing but it was a struggle. She looked up and found Elliott scooping her up into his arms. He placed her on his bed, and he turned away. Moments later, he knelt before her on the bed. He gave her the smile that she loved. He took her hand to his, then professed that he could not live another day without her. He presented her with the amulet but also opened a box to slip a ring on her left ring finger. They kissed, and Elliott assured her they would make the wedding plans simple. In one week, Ash and Elliott were married. The townspeople all attended, along with Ash's parents. This day was the happiest day of their lives. Eliott moved to Ash's beach farm. With the most recent house upgrade, there was more than enough room for the two of them and even for a little one to arrive one day.

While Ash still works on the farm, she and Elliott spend their time together having a cup of coffee or cuddling by the fire. He recently finished his book and did a book tour. Ash received a call from Elliott every day and even letters in the mail.

About Ash

Ash loves the warm sunny days, the feel of the breeze upon her, hot coffee, cuddling with her cat Kanello, (and her husband too!), and spending time with her friends Ms. Pam, Leah, Abigail, Robin, visiting with the townspeople. While she has soft features and long brown hair, Ash also can also endure the hard work on the farm.


My farmer is Cane. Everybody gives him the cold shoulder, is suspicious and doesn't want to associate with (true to gameplay, in the beginning that you have zero hearts). He tries to please everybody, but he often achieves the opposite results. His crush, both rejected him and insulted him, when he asked her for the Flowerdance.

-This was the main reason i abandoned the game initially when i purchased it and didn't return to it, more than 2 years later down the road-

He becomes no more than the town's errand boy, most possibly laughing stock too and despite everyone trying to convince him they like him and (would) support him, they still sell their wares expensively, won't lend a hand, even make fun of him for the state his dilapidated farm is (Robin, early game). Not even dregs are accepting of him, like our alcohol pumping friend, who is especially harsh towards him early. The corrupt major is in a league all of his own... So, he decided to fly the Joja colors and work hard, to build some capital; so as he is no longer at the base of the pyramid. Despite everyone changing their attitude towards him later on, he doesn't believe that is genuine and the more they sweet-talk to him, the less sad he becomes inside; he knows very well this is from the materialistic approach of getting expensive gifts they like, coupled with the prospect of them to keep coming up! For if you give something they do not like, they are downright rude, even offensive, in their language... The farmer as a child, learned to always smile and show appreciation, liking or not the gift(s) presented with regardless. The farmer's real crush and the only one really, is Haley. Only inside a videogame or through videogame-logic, can he ever maintain a relationship, especially over time.


My current farmer is Sanni. She‘s a lesbian who is currently married to Emily. She is currently saving up to remodel her entire farm. Sanni is usually seen fishing or hanging out with friends at the saloon. She can be a little rough sometimes but she is very nice to everyone. She takes care of all sorts of animals she finds. She was in the army but after getting her arm blown off by a tank shell, she had to leave, as she lost her arm.
A one armed veteran farmer, wowzers that is amazing! You’re a rockstar Sanni🤩


My farmer is Cane. Everybody gives him the cold shoulder, is suspicious and doesn't want to associate with (true to gameplay, in the beginning that you have zero hearts). He tries to please everybody, but he often achieves the opposite results. His crush, both rejected him and insulted him, when he asked her for the Flowerdance.

-This was the main reason i abandoned the game initially when i purchased it and didn't return to it, more than 2 years later down the road-

He becomes no more than the town's errand boy, most possibly laughing stock too and despite everyone trying to convince him they like him and (would) support him, they still sell their wares expensively, won't lend a hand, even make fun of him for the state his dilapidated farm is (Robin, early game). Not even dregs are accepting of him, like our alcohol pumping friend, who is especially harsh towards him early. The corrupt major is in a league all of his own... So, he decided to fly the Joja colors and work hard, to build some capital; so as he is no longer at the base of the pyramid. Despite everyone changing their attitude towards him later on, he doesn't believe that is genuine and the more they sweet-talk to him, the less sad he becomes inside; he knows very well this is from the materialistic approach of getting expensive gifts they like, coupled with the prospect of them to keep coming up! For if you give something they do not like, they are downright rude, even offensive, in their language... The farmer as a child, learned to always smile and show appreciation, liking or not the gift(s) presented with regardless. The farmer's real crush and the only one really, is Haley. Only inside a videogame or through videogame-logic, can he ever maintain a relationship, especially over time.
Isn’t it so strange that fleeing the horrors that was working for a joja capitalist you become the same errand person, laughingstock person in Stardew (sickly sweet disguised as small home town kindness)Valley Then you are forced to face the ultimate choice of general store vs joja store that have the same capitalistic owners?

Then you end/continue the game becoming the same capitalistic farm owners you swore you’d never become with maltreated animals, ignored greenhouse/GI crops, and Junimo slaves OR spend the rest of your life finding that darn bus that brought you here only to be blocked by an unearthly force in one direction or being sucked somehow through a gated barrier to a barren desert with a sweet shopkeeper who is forced to hide even her identity to maintain employment and is victim to the evil clutches of being forced to work for the evil blue guy (isn’t joja’s colors blue?🤨) or get eaten by royal serpents, mummies, pepper rexes, vampire bats and huge purple slimes in hopes of being able to find enough monster loot, gems and ores to give to the desert trader for a one way ticket to Stardew to stay in the safety of the home of her only true friend Emily. Only to be sucked into the clutches of the same valley you are trying to flee? 😵💫

Lew Zealand

Isn’t it so strange that fleeing the horrors that was working for a joja capitalist you become the same errand person, laughingstock person in Stardew (sickly sweet disguised as small home town kindness)Valley Then you are forced to face the ultimate choice of general store vs joja store that have the same capitalistic owners?

Then you end/continue the game becoming the same capitalistic farm owners you swore you’d never become with maltreated animals, ignored greenhouse/GI crops, and Junimo slaves OR spend the rest of your life finding that darn bus that brought you here only to be blocked by an unearthly force in one direction or being sucked somehow through a gated barrier to a barren desert with a sweet shopkeeper who is forced to hide even her identity to maintain employment and is victim to the evil clutches of being forced to work for the evil blue guy (isn’t joja’s colors blue?🤨) or get eaten by royal serpents, mummies, pepper rexes, vampire bats and huge purple slimes in hopes of being able to find enough monster loot, gems and ores to give to the desert trader for a one way ticket to Stardew to stay in the safety of the home of her only true friend Emily. Only to be sucked into the clutches of the same valley you are trying to flee? 😵💫
This is quite the insidious trap and we've all fallen for parts of it, sometimes even the whole enchilada (apparently half enchiladas are to be avoided?). This is why lazy farming is the Farmer Bobbi way, who remembers the bad old days in the cubicle, needing to prop Steve the Skeleton in the next one over to keep the annoying cow-workers at a safe distance.

Set up a subsistence Farm, minimize the days needed to work, take it easy Fishing feeding the fish at the stream as often as possible. And on the off day she stays awake, well isn't that the local blue-haired cutie leaving her house at 3:30pm again? Would be a shame not to be cordial and have a chitchat while escorting her to work…

There are no wrong ways to play Stardew Valley but I do have some opinions on the right ways to do it.
My farmer is the village witch married to Shane and lives in her little purple farmhouse cottage. She loves farming as much as she can and foraging for ingredients for her herbal remedies for the townsfolk.

She wishes she had more time away from the farm to explore the woods and go visit her friends in town, visit Ginger Island and maybe learn a few new spells with the Wizard, but all months except Winter are so busy growing crops. She is looking forward to getting some Junimo huts so they can harvest her crops for her and free up some of her time. Shane tries to help out as much as he can fixing fences and looking after the chickens and pets.

Since crops don't pay a lot she is trying to make more money by growing Ancient fruit and making wine, as well as making diamonds in lots of crystalariums. It's taking a long time to make a decent amount of money but she doesn't mind, as she likes to live in the present and enjoy the coming and going of the seasons on the farm and in the forest as much as she can.

One day she will start cooking more and make all of the recipes she has learnt from the Queen of Sauce, maybe next Winter?


mine is just me but cooler i guess lol.
ok well i’ll go more in depth:

mine is me but she’s a cooler, more financially responsible person lol. she moved to her grandpas farm because she always wanted a big garden and lots of animals but obviously being in the city, she couldn’t. when she moved there, being the introvert she was, she didn’t talk to the other people in town and mostly kept to herself, which is probably why she knew absolutely nothing about what she was doing and why it took her 12 years to finally get on her feet and make good money. for a while there she was with alex, but after going on a boat with a special someone, she decided he didn’t give her the love she wanted and left me for elliott (she always liked him she just never admitted it). and now, 15 years later, she’s finally doing good on her farm and continues to improve it every day. :blush:

her favorite things are her children, her cat, haru, her farm animals (specifically her white chicken polpo), and her husband of course. she usually starts her morning with a plate of pancakes and a cup of green tea, and after smooching elliott, tends to her garden and animals before going to bed, usually at 12 pm because why not. she’s a bit more social now, and likes to spend time with the villagers. since the movie theater opened, she likes to go there and wasted thousands on the crane game, which explains the pile of junimo plushies in the corner of her room… :sweat:

she puts her tools in a chest by her bed so she doesn’t axe her husband in her sleep. she also likes experimenting with cloth and making new clothes for herself (she usually throws it away if she doesn’t like it).

but over all, farmer renny is doing a lot better and she loves her life on the farm!
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Wolf Haley

My farmer, Tommy, was living by himself in the city, but he couldn't find any community or friends, and even his family wasn't near. he was tired of being by himself and working the factory twelve hours a day, so he moved to the valley. He immediately knew that this was where his home was. he walked around the town to find people to make friends with, and he met Haley, who he immediately fell in love with. although she wasn't to fond of him, he was persistent in perusing a relationship, and they eventually became married and had two kids. Tommy is an adventurous, fun-loving guy, who can't get enough of the outdoors. he spends most of his days tending to animals, as he just adores them and makes sure they always have fresh grass and are petted EVERY DAY. he is friends with almost everyone in the valley, because he is very extraverted and an extreme social butterfly. On rainy days he likes to sit with his animals and listen to music, spend time with his kids, or go on walks and embrace the weather. He's Besties with Sam, and enjoys hanging out with Kent, or Willy on occasion. Morris is someone who he despises with a passion, but he also doesn't like how Pierre is all about money, and is overtaken by greed. Tommy likes to enjoy the ride even more than the destination,"because it's all about the friendship on the way there". Overall, Tommy lives a slow, family oriented life.

Call me stereotypical I don't care
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Trixie - full name Imperatrix - went to Stardew Valley in pursuit of power, or as she would call it "Powah!" She was working at Joja's call center when a job was posted for an "agricultural engineer" reporting to Morris in Stardew Valley. She applied for and got the position and dumped the contents of her desk into the requisite cardboard box as she left her office. She didn't notice the beeswax sealed envelope that fell into the box with everything else.

When she got to the valley Morris explained that Joja's goal was to enter the farming business so that it would not need to manage vendor relationships, and that they were beginning with a small, abandoned plot of land in the valley's northwest. She would begin a small farming operation selling exclusively to Joja which would retail the produce at market value. She would also be responsible for identifying mineral extraction, fishery, and wildcrafting opportunities that Joja could exploit to enhance shareholder value. She would rise to the executive suite on her successes, Morris told her.

Then things got weird. She got to the farm and the mayor and town carpenter showed up and started prattling about her grandfather, an addled old fool she barely remembered. They foisted a package of parsnip seeds on her, which she pitched.

But it didn't stop there. Morris was hell bent on buying a rat infested "community center" for a warehouse, and some crazy old dude in a tower, whose hobby seemed to be binding the local demons and then crying that they wouldn't talk to him, gave her a magic potion. This is it, she thought, my #metoo moment.

But nothing came of that except that those weren't rats or demons and she could now read their language.

Then came the day her world changed. She was heading up to an eminently exploitable fishery on the mountain lake, when the carpenter - Robin - accosted her and said, in that passive aggressive way the villagers all had - that it would be nice if someone would fix up that old community center.

It cut her to the quick.

She returned to her shack and went through all the detritus from her office life. When she came across the beeswax sealed envelope she decided to open it. Inside she found a note from her grandfather, her grandfather's will, and a deed to the property that was now turning a nice little profit for . . . Joja.

She was furious. It wasn't a white-hot flash in the pan kind of fury either. It was the kind of low slow burn that leads to strategic thinking. She was determined not merely to rebuild the community center, but to turn Stardew Valley into the sort of place where nothing like the rot of Joja could ever take root again.

Her next conversation with Morris found him fumble mouthed in the light of her revelation. He knew all along, of course. It ended with the most inane cliche possible - Morris screaming "you're fired!" and her screaming back "you can't fire me, I quit!"

That was when her work began in earnest.