What else are you currently playing?


Alternatively, what else are you obsessed with?

I didn't expect to get obsessed with SDV all over again anytime soon. But 1.6 really interested me, and now I'm here.

Thanks to Persona 3 Reload, I'm into Persona again. I've never played Persona 5 Strikers so after I finished Reload I started to play that.

Will probably be playing Fallout 4 again thanks to the new gen update and the hype the show brought.

All in all I've been having a good time. What about you guys?


A few games:

Stardew Valley is currently eating up all of my gaming time ("obsessed" seems about right :D ), so the other games don't get much attention -- but, I sometimes get random urges to play a specific game, so that's why the other eight are still installed (well, and Valheim's due a huge update in the near future, so that's another reason to keep it installed).