Solved Umm i need help i can't figure out why my game crashed on the egg festival


14:39:44INFOSMAPISMAPI 3.9.5 with Stardew Valley 1.5.4 on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
14:39:44INFOSMAPIMods go here: D:\Games\stom\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods
14:40:04DEBUGSMAPIStarting game...
14:40:12INFOSMAPILoaded 14 mods: This section is hidden. Click here to show it.
14:40:12INFOSMAPILoaded 8 content packs: This section is hidden. Click here to show it.
14:40:12INFOSMAPIFound 2 mods with warnings:
14:40:12INFOSMAPI Patched game code
14:40:12INFOSMAPI --------------------------------------------------
14:40:12INFOSMAPI These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if
14:40:12INFOSMAPI your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.
14:40:12INFOSMAPI - StardewHack
14:40:12DEBUGSMAPI No update keys
14:40:12DEBUGSMAPI --------------------------------------------------
14:40:12DEBUGSMAPI These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these
14:40:12DEBUGSMAPI mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.
14:40:12DEBUGSMAPI - Reverse Proposal
14:40:13INFOStardewHackLoaded StardewHack library v3.0.0 using Harmony v1.2.0.1.
14:40:13DEBUGBigger BackpackApplying bytecode patches for spacechase0.BiggerBackpack.
14:40:32ERRORgameOops! Steam achievements won't work because Steam isn't loaded. See 'Launch SMAPI through Steam or GOG Galaxy' in the install guide for more info:
14:40:32INFOSMAPIType 'help' for help, or 'help <cmd>' for a command's usage
14:41:13DEBUGNPC Map LocationsUsing maps\_default\spring_map.png.
14:41:14DEBUGNPC Map LocationsUnknown locations:.
14:41:34ERRORgameEvent script error: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index
14:41:34ERRORgameIn event #0 for location Temp
14:41:34ERRORgameOn line #4: loadActors Set-Up
14:41:34ERRORgameSystem.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index at System.Linq.Enumerable.ElementAt[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Int32 index) at StardewValley.Event.command_loadActors(GameLocation location, GameTime time, String[] split) in C:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Event.Commands.cs:line 2374

i hope someone will tell my why my game crashes
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You'll need to upload your entire SMAPI log. The linked site has instructions for where to find it :)
thank you a lot for your help friend but i find out from what mod it is but i don't why it crashes
it's from this mod more specifically i think it's from sabrina, everything goes perfectly until i try to go to the egg festival
when i enter the town it just send me home at night.

i skipped the festival and i will play until the flower dance if it crashed i will send more info
again thank you soo much for replying i usually don't want to bother people like that, i hope you have a fantastic day!
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That mod hasn't been updated since 2016, so there have been multiple major version changes in the game since then. To put it into perspective, the very last time this mod was updated, it was for Shane and Emily being added as marriage candidates. It also predates Content Patcher, so it only works by directly overwriting the game's content files, instead of installing into the Mods folder like any standard mod would today. I have no doubt it is broken in a hundred ways.

I strongly recommend resetting your content files to revert them to vanilla, using more up to date mods (even this version is not updated completely for 1.5+), and avoiding overwriting game files in the future.

SMAPI logs are also really important tools for troubleshooting, so it's good to be familiar with where to find them and how to share them when you need help!


oh that's sad to hear.. thank you a lot friend this really helped me a lot!
i hope you have a fantastic day!

PS-I didn't saw that you send the updated mod heh... Thank you soo much friend i am really happy that you were kind enough to help me it really means a lot to me
again thank you soo much i wish you the best and i hope your day is going to be amazing!