Type of phone: iphone 14
Details of your issue: First problem I cannot change weapon appearance at the forge game doesn’t let me. Second problem my fishing level decreases when I level it up from 8 to 9 as you can see it in the video that at the end the level is 8 which isn’t supposed function like that and when I immediately go to sleep the game doesn’t register it like level up it just remains 9 and after some time it decreases it.

fikri joestar

Device:vivo y12
Details of issue:my infinity blade only does 1 damage and the iridium band has no magnetism effect,If I'm not mistaken, this bug occurred after entering mr.Qi's room on Ginger Island and when me doing Qi's quest "danger in the deep"
please fix this annoying bug 😭🙏


Phone: iPhone SE (2020) running iOS 17.0.3
Version: 1.5.6 build 39
Details of my issues: 1) I can’t set the tea set on any surfaces, including tables, in big sheds or the farmhouse.
2) Not a bug, Gus just didn’t turn up for me until I said something.
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Phone: iPhone 11 (ios 17.0.3)
Version: 1.5.6 build 39
Detail of my issue: Shrine of Illusion bug, its crash out of the app when i hit "Yes" button, i do believes ALOT of people having the same issue for nearly half a year (Start playing this month and look up for the solution in the internet and found ALOT of people having the same issue with no ANY solution)


I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max I have an issue with when I saved to the cloud I lost several hours of gameplay? I was playing in the middle of fall month when I last saved. Then when I went to play again, and save to the cloud, it put me back in the middle of summer month.

Forest Mat

Playing on an iPad Pro. Once I combined a second ring in the forge, suggenly all my buffs stopped working. I haven’t been able to get them back by unequipping, sleeping, and reequipping like someone I’ve seen on another forum.


Playing on iPhone XR:

2 bugs:

-occasionally when saving after going to bed, I get the save screen, but it never moves on. Just gets stuck “saving…” forever.

-when choosing to resume “where you previously left off,” character is no longer there, you can only see the outside of the building you were in. You are unable to play


Type of phone: iPhone 12 Pro Max
Details of your issue: Mobile version. When going to Clint to process geodes for the first time, the game crashes almost immediately after selecting the “process geodes” option.

It’s very sad to see bugs so early in game when I just decided to try out the mobile version!


I play on Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite with Android 13. I have caught several white algae and it is not showing up in my Collections tab under Fish. I have ALSO got one from a fishing treasure chest AND I bought a chicken from Marnie which I named using the I.D. code for white algae and yes, I got it in my inventory but once again, it didn't show up in my collections tab. Oh, and I thought maybe shipping it would cause it to show up but nope.

PLEASE, PLEASE fix this. If I can't fill my fishing collection then I can't get the stardrop from Willy and if I can't get all the star drops then I won't ever be able to reach Perfection.

While you are fixing that can you please fix the mail, too? Whenever I get a letter from anyone that says it is giving me xx amount of gold, it never actually adds to my total. So I am not getting the gold. This includes letters from Dad/Mom, Pierre, Lewis and Mr. Qi.


Type of phone: iPad

1. Sometimes the map shows my character in a complete different area that it really is.
2. Sometimes I can’t speak to a NPC no matter how I tap on them. Even if I zoom in. I can only gift them. Sam and Sebastian both have this issue. I’ve switched to controls but it still happens.
3. Fishing sounds can get stuck and stay on even after fishing… until I reload. VERY ANNOYING.
4. Sometimes I get missions or requests that require foraging items that won’t show up until after the mission is done T_T
5. The Golden Clock isn’t stopping debris to appear on my farm. I still get twigs, rocks, we3ds and trees.

Game version is 1.5.6 v39
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Type of phone: i use my tablet, it's a samsung galaxy tab a, model number is SM-T307U im not sure if the model number is helpful or not so i figured id add it just in case
Details of your issue: ive been using the iridum ring and it works great but i went to the forge and combined it with the lucky ring and ever since the magnetic buff doesn't work at all, and it almost feels like I've got a smaller magnetic radius than it usually is with no rings. I have to be within one tile of something or it won't collect the item, so im constantly running around to collect stuff which really slows down the gameplay. its like this now whether im wearing the ring or not, i tried switching to other rings with the magnetic buff, or rings with no magnetic buff to see if it would at least go back to the base magnetism rate but that didn't work. im on year four and im trying for true perfection so i don't want to restart, but it makes playing really frustrating when it feels like i have to run to each item and collect it manually.
Screenshots/video: i took a video of me running around collecting fruit from trees, before when the rings worked i was able to run from tree to tree and not have to stop in between at all to collect the fruits, they would all just follow after me until they entered my inventory. now most of the fruits just fall to the ground, and it's like this with anything i try to collect. at the end i show the radius with and without the ring on so you can see it's the same either way
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? it was through the load game menu, id never used the emergency load thing until a couple (realtime) days after the bug occurred
Any other info that might be relevant: ive read online that other people have this issue when forging any type of magnetic ring with any other ring (unfortunately i read this after the fact) and that generally it ruins the magnetism for the save file permanently. so im pretty sure that's what happened to me too, apparently this was a bug on pc too but it's been patched there. i hope this can get fixed for mobile, this is one of my favourite games and i love it so thank you for the great work :)


Type of phone: i use my tablet, it's a samsung galaxy tab a, model number is SM-T307U im not sure if the model number is helpful or not so i figured id add it just in case
Details of your issue: ive been using the iridum ring and it works great but i went to the forge and combined it with the lucky ring and ever since the magnetic buff doesn't work at all, and it almost feels like I've got a smaller magnetic radius than it usually is with no rings. I have to be within one tile of something or it won't collect the item, so im constantly running around to collect stuff which really slows down the gameplay. its like this now whether im wearing the ring or not, i tried switching to other rings with the magnetic buff, or rings with no magnetic buff to see if it would at least go back to the base magnetism rate but that didn't work. im on year four and im trying for true perfection so i don't want to restart, but it makes playing really frustrating when it feels like i have to run to each item and collect it manually.
Screenshots/video: I tried to upload a video but mp4 isn't supported so i converted it to .gif format and it still rejected it so im not sure how to add a video, I'll try to describe what the video was. it was me running around the ginger island farm collecting bananas and mangos from trees, before when the rings worked i was able to run from tree to tree and not have to stop in between at all to collect the fruits, they would all just follow after me until they entered my inventory. now most of the fruits just fall to the ground, and maybe three or four out of eighteen will make it into my inventory, and it's like this with anything i try to collect. at the end i showed the radius with and without the ring on so you can see it's the same either way
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? it was through the load game menu, id never used the emergency load thing until a couple (realtime) days after the bug occurred but the problem persists after reloading the game
Any other info that might be relevant: ive read online that other people have this issue when forging any type of magnetic ring with any other ring (unfortunately i read this after the fact) and that generally it ruins the magnetism for the save file permanently. so im pretty sure that's what happened to me too, apparently this was a bug on pc too but it's been patched there. i hope this can get fixed for mobile, this is one of my favourite games and i love it so thank you for the great work :)


Type of phone: iPad Air IOS 17.0.3
Details of your issue: Game will randomly black screen. The game is still running in the background, you can hear the music, but the screen goes black and nothing will fix it. I have to force quit the app and restart my day. This happens VERY frequently. Nearly once per day. There doesn’t appear to be anything that triggers it. No specific location or activity. I’ll just be walking somewhere and suddenly get a black screen.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Both
Other Comments: Please please please fix this bug!! It’s making the game unplayable to constantly lose my progress. Others here have commented about the same issue.


My phone is an LG QStylus. Model number is LM-Q710GX and running Android version 8.1.0

The game crashes to my phone home screen a lot. Some of the crashing issues seem to related to music soundtracks and/or cutscenes. If the game has to do a music transition at the same time as a scene transition, it usually crashes.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Stardew but these crashing issues were not fixed by that. Many of my saves have ended up paused because I can't progress in them any further due to consistent crashing.

More details about specific issues below:

Save 1:
This save crashes immediately after the first cutscene in Qi's walnut room has finished every single time. It doesn't make any difference whether I start from the load menu or start from a backup save, and nor does it make a difference if I watch or skip the cutscene. I can't get past this scene to enter Qi's room or see the quest board. This save has also crashed at the end of all of Leo's cutscenes that I have seen so far, however in both those cases I was able to progress past Leo's cutscene with the skip button. That doesn't work for the Qi cutscene though, it still crashes even if I try to skip the cutscene.

Save 2:
In this save my farmer was trying to romance everyone and see all their heart events and both group 10 hearts events. But it crashes every single time after playing Maru's 4 heart event in the clinic regardless of whether I watch the cutscene or skip it. I suspect that the game might be trying to play Harvey's 6 heart event immediately after Maru's event and that might be related to the crashing. It doesn't make any difference whether I start from a backup save or from the farmer waking up on bed at 6am.

Save 3:
I wanted to try the 1 year community centre challenge but this save crashes during the meet the wizard cutscene every single time. It doesn't matter whether I skip or watch the cutscene. I did previously manage to get past this point in my other saves but not in this one. Again it doesn't make any difference whether I start from a backup save or from the farmer waking up on bed at 6am.

Other crashing issues I've experienced which seem to be related to the music soundtracks in some way:

- Using a mini jukebox to change the song playing causes the game to crash every single time. Before the 1.5 update came to mobile, I had no issue using the mini jukebox.

- If the island music is playing the game will crash every time my farmer uses the parrot express. If the island music is not playing (ie. just ambient noise or rain), my farmer can usually use the parrot express without any issue.

- Similarly, if the island music is playing the game will crash every single time my farmer tries to enter the frog's cave. When the island music is not playing, my farmer can enter the frog's cave without issue.

- Using the desert obelisk while one of the summer seasonal songs was playing caused the game to crash immediately after the farmer arrives at the desert. When that track had stopped playing there was no issue warping to the desert with the obelisk. (I don't know which of the 3 summer songs it was unfortunately.)

- entering the Oasis while the desert music is playing often causes the game to crash.

- selecting the "Exit to title" button under settings while one of the seasonal music tracks is playing causes the app to crash most of the time.

- the crashing issues in saves 2 and 3 that I described above could possibly be related to music transitions too. However save 1's crashing issue must be something different, as the wiki says Qi's walnut room doesn't have any music.


Type of phone: Samsung Tablet S8 Ultra, SM-X900
Details of your issue: (e.g. what is happening and where? what were you doing in the game when this happened? are you consistently experiencing this problem?)
ANSWER: Since combining rings that include MAGNETISM in the FORGE, I no longer have any magnetism effects. In fact, it seems that I have less than normal. I have read numerous accounts of others having the same trouble.
Screenshots/video: NONE
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load": BOTH.


Type of phone: iPad 10

Details of issue: Magnetism is not working.!!.!.!!.!! No matter if I'm wearing a ring, or not.
It worked normally at the Standard Farm, playing the first character. But, the second character at the "Four Corners Farm" has that problem.
It's really frustrating that it makes me miss so many items.

Screenshots/video: I tried to upload the video but I couldn't find how. So I took a screenshot of the video.
First one at the Skull Cavern, attracts items wider. Second one with the golden helmet, attracts items extremely little. (They are wearing the same ring, the iridium band.)




On the day of issue: Everyday, all the time. I'm not sure when the problem first started. I think the magentism have never been wider.

Any other info: For me, it's only happening at the Four Corners Farm. I have checked the standard farm after I found the problem. With the same ring(iridium band) wearing, they look totally different.

It's really annoying, uncomfortable, inconvenient and sad.. losing my items into the water or beyond the wall....


Type of phone: I use an iPad Air 2 running 15.7.9 and iPad (10th generation) running 16.0
Details of your issue: Numerous glitches including:
1. Save hanging and not completing, have to restart the app and then replay from the emergency save
2. Auto attack not engaging (usually, moving will fix that)
3. Unable to use pickaxe on some rocks or axe on some trees (sometimes doing something else and then coming back will fix that)
4. Clicking on the buy point at the Carpenter Shop, ranch, blacksmith, etc fails to bring up shopping menu/panel for that merchant
5. On the 10th generation iPad, the app locked out the switch app feature requiring a hard reset of the device
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day
wherever you left off)? Both, at various times
Any other info that might be relevant:
I love the game, but the IOS version 1.5.6 v39 is just too unstable to play reliably

Hello. This is the 2nd time I’ve posted about this fishing reel sound bug. The first time I posted was months ago, but the issue persists.

Type of phone: iPhone 12 Pro Max running iOS 17.1.1
Details of your issue: If I fish for very long, the slow reel sound doesn’t turn off when I stop fishing and will persist until I shut off the game. It will persist when my player goes to sleep, through the save, into the next morning, and through the load screen, and may even persist on subsequent days, which is so annoying that I eventually have to quit my save entirely. It may also be that the music gets stuck on, because when the volume is turned up, there is one musical note that seems to be held as well.
Screenshots/video: I made a video of the problem, but the video doesn’t show as an option to attach. I can’t figure out how to do it. Sorry.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? Normal day, started normally.
Any other info that might be relevant: I’ve been fishing a lot lately, trying to catch that lingcod, and the reel sound has been behaving normally. I was using a lucky buff from the Lucky Lunch, but when I’ve encountered this reel sound issue in the past, I haven’t been using a buff.


Type of phone :- OnePlus 11r (Android Phone)
Details of Issue :- I know that we can set the size of Date Box and Tool bar in settings but the fact that I am forced to do it everytime I start a new farm is annoying.
In the screenshot below you can see that I have just created a new farm and tye size of Date Box is massive.
Is everyone facing this issue and is there a way to fix this thing?

Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy Tab S8
Details of your issue: Can't talk to or give gifts to Leo at The Mountain (north of Pelican Town). He blocks my path like a normal NPC, and I can push past him as with other NPCs. This happened the first time the night he arrived, and again several days later. I've not been able to interact with him since he arrived from the Island.

Edited to add: My open game timed out while writing this, and after selecting the option to reload to the same time point I was able to interact normally with Leo. Also seemed to get some extra money somehow :D
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