Protecting grass in animal pens


Seriously though, I couldn’t keep up with my animals voracious appetites when I had 4 barns. No matter what strategy I tried,
Even with the dedicated sword enchantment?

When I had 4 barns + coop, I used to either use the above or just grow wheat once in a while on the island. 3 days, 700+ plots, 300-400 hay.


Even with the dedicated sword enchantment?

When I had 4 barns + coop, I used to either use the above or just grow wheat once in a while on the island. 3 days, 700+ plots, 300-400 hay.
I never thought of that. I was too busy fooling around with the vampiric and crusader enchants. I actually don’t really mind buying hay from Marnie; I like to spread the wealth and buy a lot of resources. Except ore from Clint. He’s just so smug- like he’s actually spelunking. I just don’t believe it.
I don't close the doors even in winter. Leaving the doors open doesn't factor into their mood, friendship, or production at all. The animals are happier when they can eat grass, and unhappy if they get locked out. And the heater boosts mood and production in winter. But there is no penalty for leaving the doors open.
I think most people prefer to pet/milk/shear their animals in the barns before letting them out. But I really enjoy wandering around finding them all. It's funny because like, my bunny Geranium always goes behind a certain maple tree, but her buddy Benjamin likes to hop over to the pond. And my pig Pigaroo always comes right up by my house and shipping bin. So I get to see them have little personalities which I think is fun and cute.


I never thought of that. I was too busy fooling around with the vampiric and crusader enchants. I actually don’t really mind buying hay from Marnie; I like to spread the wealth and buy a lot of resources. Except ore from Clint. He’s just so smug- like he’s actually spelunking. I just don’t believe it.
LOL, I love Clint! He's such a ball of mush. He always pays so well for his special jobs to clear out monsters from the mines and sends me something extra on top of the payment (bombs! food!).

As for swords, I didn't mean my regular fighting sword - I used another one just for the purpose. I had to mine for gold at level 81 anyway, and it's full of weeds, so - two birds with one stone. Sword. Um.


Local Legend
I, I don’t know what to say - looks around farm with dedicated plots to grow fiber- are we, are we playing the same game?

Seriously though, I couldn’t keep up with my animals voracious appetites when I had 4 barns. No matter what strategy I tried, Marnie ended up selling me lots of hay. As long as I remembered to buy some on the 28 of each season things were fine. Which is to say, the animals went hungry a lot.
Take a look at Bob's Basic Farm, in my signature. I can plant enough grass starter everywhere that there is space on Winter 28 to fill all that space. Clearing everything where I intend to plant and poking holes in a lot of the other stuff and I should be able to fill my silos, or come close, and over the course of the year, as grass refills and I cut down little bits here and there I'll be able to keep up with their appetites (when they need to eat hay) and possibly make sure that my silos are full on Fall 28 when I scythe everything else down.
I saw some YouTuber advise that if you put down grass starter (or have a handy tuft) then put a fence post atop it, it will be protected from being eaten and propagate into the area where the critters can get to it. I tried that on the perimeter fence and it didn't propagate on either side of the fence line. Was there a change in an update, would it work with a solitary post, or was the guy just flat wrong?

While I am on the subject, I'm hazy on the animal doors. Sometimes with the coop, if I'm a bit slow getting to it, when I open it the chickens come out and scatter like quail (I need to record my running around trying to pet them all). Other times they're already outside with the door still closed. Can they work latches :smile: or was one trapped outside the night before? And what's the best time to roll the door down? "Didn't make it back? It's outside all night for you, chickie!"
this is the problem i had before, now i'm successful by trying to put 1 starter grass box and then overlay it with a lightning rod. quite work even though the development is slow, usually when it rains the grass will thrive and the grass around the lightning rod will not be able to be eaten by livestock