Mods don't work, no error message


I have two mods installed, a skip mini fishing game, and an information mod. After taking a break from the game a while back, when I returned to playing, I noticed the mods didn't work anymore. After doing a bit of searching I saw there were updates to each of them and SMAPI. I updated those 3 however the mods still don't work. I don't receive any error message, the fishing game just plays as normal as if the mod wasn't installed. I'm not sure what to do next.


The Skip Mini Fishing Game has been updated since you posted this: You may need to look in the cofig files as the mod sets the requirement of 5 fish caught before the fishing game is skipped. I'm not sure what information mod you are using, if you are using Extra Fish Information, you will only be able to see locations of fish you have caught.