1.6 Update Is this a 1.6 thing or was it already in the game?


so, i was collecting some truffles my pigs found and one of them had a crab wearing it!!!!!!!! like on of those rock crabs in the mines. i have never seen one of these before, is it a new thing?
It's a Truffle Crab. I had two or three of them already. First time I was totally dumbfounded - imagine a truffle running away from you, and I'm like: "What the hell was that"?! 😂 But then I used the sword and it dropped two truffles. Yes, it's a 1.6 thing, and it drops items, mostly truffles or truffle oil, but it has a 0.05% chance to drop even a Prismatic Shard.


The Truffle Crab said this: I was sleeping down the mine, peace and quie, one day, a bastard knocked on my head with a stupit packaxe, I lost my shell.
Then,I moved to the dark deep Skullcave, I thought it's safe enough untill I heared a "BOOM!"
So, I toke a bus escape from that hell, I found a farm, emmm....So Peace and Nice, I found a truffle and put it on my head as shell, And.....You know who I just met! :cry:
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The Truffle Crab said this: I was sleeping down the mine, peace and quie, one day, a bastard knocked on my head with a stupit packaxe, I lost my shell.
Then,I moved to the dark deep Skullcaven, I thought it's safe enough untill I heared a "BOOM!"
So, I toke a bus escape from that hell, I found a farm, emmm....So Peace and Nice, I found a truffle and put it on my head as shell, And.....You know who I just met! :cry:


That’s a 1.6 thing. It hasn't happened to me, so I’m not sure what you’re supposed to do. I’d probably freak and try my sword on it lol. Maybe you’re supposed to save it or it drops something? Hopefully someone who knows more will pop on soon.
i killed it lol, thats the only thing youre able to do with it as long as i know. it drops a truffle


It's a Truffle Crab. I had two or three of them already. First time I was totally dumbfounded - imagine a truffle running away from you, and I'm like: "What the hell was that"?! 😂 But then I used the sword and it dropped two truffles. Yes, it's a 1.6 thing, and it drops items, mostly truffles or truffle oil, but it has a 0.05% chance to drop even a Prismatic Shard.
wow. i only got two truffles. hoping to see more of those things!!


A truffle crab. Wow. So you have to kill it so it drops the truffles but can it damage your health if you don’t have your sword on hand? I usually love pigs once I can afford them but this is making me have second thoughts about other way to make good money. Does it do it with any other animal drops?

Lew Zealand

That’s a 1.6 thing. It hasn't happened to me, so I’m not sure what you’re supposed to do. I’d probably freak and try my sword on it lol. Maybe you’re supposed to save it or it drops something? Hopefully someone who knows more will pop on soon.
That is 100% exactly what I did.

Farmer Bobbi is not exactly calmly grabbing Truffles as it's not her favorite thing to do but needs doing otherwise her Horse will refuse to step over them and go anywhere. He probably knows something I don't, fiiiine I'll clean them up. Grab - grab - grab - <dodge!>

Dodge. ? Truffles don't dodge!

With a panicked "Gahhhhh!" Farmer Bobbi fumbles for her sword and brandishes her Stikk of Being There-Instead-Of-Here and disappears with a distinct tsschhheaaownwnnnnn and a faint, trailing "nooo—!"

A now thoroughly annoyed Farmer Bobbi runs back to the scene as the animals roll their eyes for the umpteenth time at Ms. Butterfingers. Of course she forgot to Zappp her hoss so she could ride him back, that would have required a presence of mind that's generally missing when confronted by apparently sentient yard forage. Huffing and puffing, our slightly out of shape farmer arrives, finally brandishing the only weapon known (by her) to deal with such entities, The Infinity Blade.

Totally not overkill at all for a slow-moving Fungus.

One swipe and the Truffle is rendered legless and very ordinarily Truffle-like as it pops into her hand. Sooooo what was it, a crab that looks like a Truffle, a Truffle that mutated into being an insect?

oh... OHHHHHHH!!!!

This is that bogus Wizard again! Mr. I-Learned-Magic-Solely-To-Keep-My-Crumbling-Tower-Relatively-Upright! OK buddy this time the gloves come off, the next time I'm in his house I'm gonna put something actually useful in that Cauldron instead of spider elbows and beaver mustaches. I'll put a gold-:goldstar: Starfruit in it and wait for what his reaction will be when it actually tastes good!


That is 100% exactly what I did.

Farmer Bobbi is not exactly calmly grabbing Truffles as it's not her favorite thing to do but needs doing otherwise her Horse will refuse to step over them and go anywhere. He probably knows something I don't, fiiiine I'll clean them up. Grab - grab - grab - <dodge!>

Dodge. ? Truffles don't dodge!

With a panicked "Gahhhhh!" Farmer Bobbi fumbles for her sword and brandishes her Stikk of Being There-Instead-Of-Here and disappears with a distinct tsschhheaaownwnnnnn and a faint, trailing "nooo—!"

A now thoroughly annoyed Farmer Bobbi runs back to the scene as the animals roll their eyes for the umpteenth time at Ms. Butterfingers. Of course she forgot to Zappp her hoss so she could ride him back, that would have required a presence of mind that's generally missing when confronted by apparently sentient Truffles. Huffing and puffing, our skightly out of shape farmer arrives but brandishing the only weapon known (by her) to deal with such entities, The Infinity Blade.

Totally not overkill at all for a slow-moving Fungus.

One swipe and the Truffle is rendered legless and very ordinarily Truffle-like as it pops into her hand. Sooooo, what was it, a crab that looks like a Truffle, a Truffle that mutated into being an insect?

oh... OHHHHHHH!!!!

This is that bogus Wizard again! Mr. I-Learned-Magic-Solely-To-Keep-My-Crumbling-Tower-Relatively-Upright! OK buddy this time the gloves come off, the next time I'm in his house I'm gonna put something actually useful in that Cauldron instead of spider elbows and beaver mustaches. I'll put a gold-:goldstar: Starfruit in it and just wait what his reaction will be when it actually tastes good!
Seasons come, and seasons go, but Bobbi’s intense ‘not so fond’ness of the Wizard, remains. 😂 “Truffles don’t dodge!” Reminds me of “Chocolate isn’t supposed to hop!” from The Simpsons Game. I love it!

Even with a small prompt, you come out with great writing!

So you have to kill it so it drops the truffles but can it damage your health if you don’t have your sword on hand?
Base Damage of 5, so while you’re not exactly at risk of being wiped out, by the time you have Pigs sniffing them up, I would rethink picking up Truffles, if you’ve just escaped 3 Royal Serpents by the skin of your health bar’s teeth, via the stick of NEEEEYOOOOWM.


That is 100% exactly what I did.

Farmer Bobbi is not exactly calmly grabbing Truffles as it's not her favorite thing to do but needs doing otherwise her Horse will refuse to step over them and go anywhere. He probably knows something I don't, fiiiine I'll clean them up. Grab - grab - grab - <dodge!>

Dodge. ? Truffles don't dodge!

With a panicked "Gahhhhh!" Farmer Bobbi fumbles for her sword and brandishes her Stikk of Being There-Instead-Of-Here and disappears with a distinct tsschhheaaownwnnnnn and a faint, trailing "nooo—!"

A now thoroughly annoyed Farmer Bobbi runs back to the scene as the animals roll their eyes for the umpteenth time at Ms. Butterfingers. Of course she forgot to Zappp her hoss so she could ride him back, that would have required a presence of mind that's generally missing when confronted by apparently sentient yard forage. Huffing and puffing, our slightly out of shape farmer arrives, finally brandishing the only weapon known (by her) to deal with such entities, The Infinity Blade.

Totally not overkill at all for a slow-moving Fungus.

One swipe and the Truffle is rendered legless and very ordinarily Truffle-like as it pops into her hand. Sooooo what was it, a crab that looks like a Truffle, a Truffle that mutated into being an insect?

oh... OHHHHHHH!!!!

This is that bogus Wizard again! Mr. I-Learned-Magic-Solely-To-Keep-My-Crumbling-Tower-Relatively-Upright! OK buddy this time the gloves come off, the next time I'm in his house I'm gonna put something actually useful in that Cauldron instead of spider elbows and beaver mustaches. I'll put a gold-:goldstar: Starfruit in it and wait for what his reaction will be when it actually tastes good!
A truffle crab. Wow. So you have to kill it so it drops the truffles but can it damage your health if you don’t have your sword on hand? I usually love pigs once I can afford them but this is making me have second thoughts about other way to make good money. Does it do it with any other animal drops?
Don't know if it can do damage - it didn't to me, because I slaughtered it at once. Don't hesitate to buy as many pigs as you wish. Truffle Crabs are rather rare. Other animal drops? You mean eggs, milk, feathers, wool and such? Um ... no. Didn't meet a running egg as yet. Besides, where would they run within the auto-grabber? 😄

Lew Zealand

Seasons come, and seasons go, but Bobbi’s intense ‘not so fond’ness of the Wizard, remains. 😂 “Truffles don’t dodge!” Reminds me of “Chocolate isn’t supposed to hop!” from The Simpsons Game. I love it!

Even with a small prompt, you come out with great writing!
Thanks! :blush: I didn't mean to write it, just describe my utter surprise and reaction when it happened, but sometimes things just pop into my head and then it's Farmer Bobbi story time.