If 1.5 only added one new feature, what would you want it to be?


What I would love to see in 1.5, in no particular order.

Cooking Skill and Minigame
It would be cool if Cooking was an actual skill and I'd enjoy it a great deal more if there was a minigame involved. The miningame could determined the quality of the dish (basic, silver star, gold star, iridiuim star).

Bug Collecting
Give us a net and let us collect bugs (which could be displayed in the museum). Fireflies could be out during summer nights, grasshoppers could be in tall grass, dragon flies near water, bees near flowers, beetles could be in trees, etc.

New Area to Explore
I'd love to explore a bayou with new plants, forageables, and freshwater fish. But really, I'd be happy with any new map to explore.

Tropical Farm
A beach farm would be amazing. It could have a significantly reduced farming area, but could offer beach forageables, saltwater fishing, and allow us to grow palm trees.

Stardew Valley Tribune subscriptions
I hate having to run to Pierre's every day to check for quests. I'd happily pay to subscribe to the Stardew Valley Tribune if it listed daily quests in a Help Wanted section. It could also review festivals, report on things like meteor strikes or UFO sightings, and feature interviews with Pelican Town citizens in which they flesh out a bit of their backstory and give hints about their liked/loved gifts.
I love the bug collecting <3


Staff member
I'm a PS4 player and have noticed that PC players do get some perks over console players. An example I think is a bit unfair is that they can access the community centre boards in their menu screen and also the achievements too when PS4 players can't. These screens are useful to gameplay, can they please be included to PS4 and other consoles too?
Actually these features are available on console! The bundles can be found within the little tree icon from your inventory screen, right above the organize button. And achievements you've earned are shown in the collections tab under the star icon :)


I'm sure 1.5 will have at least two or maybe even three new features in it. But if it was only going to have one, and you got to decide, what would you add to the game?
I would love an in game looking for group feature.


I would love the children to be able to grow up. It's the one non-moddable thing that still bugs me about the game. The kids could do chores and maybe have heart events? There could be like three different child personalities that your kid would get assigned randomly and every couple years you could have a new thing unlocked. They could at least pet the animals for you. I would also like to be able to celebrate their birthdays! or at least have it on the calendar.
I would be happy just to be able to interact with my toddlers more than one arm's-distance little love heart every day. I can kiss my spouse (most of the time), but I can't hug my kids. To go further, I wouldn't mind seeing my spouse interact with the kids more; randomly be carrying one around now and then.


(also a small thing — I don’t know if there is a way (maybe I’ve just missed it lol) but a way to un-hoe land with an axe or the hoe or something like that just because it drives me crazy when I accidentally hoe a little square of land and I have to wait a few days for it to un-hoe itself. )
if im not wrong, you can un-hoe land with a pickaxe!


Cooking Skill and Minigame
It would be cool if Cooking was an actual skill and I'd enjoy it a great deal more if there was a minigame involved. The miningame could determined the quality of the dish (basic, silver star, gold star, iridiuim star).
what do you mean? that every time you have to cook something, you have to play a mini-game like when you go fishing?


Festival Events
After the first year, festivals don't feel as important (if you have already won everything). I think that the flower dance, luau and the moonlight jellies are the ones I do not like, they are not truly intractable and I do not feel immersed. The best festivals are the egg festival, the stardew valley fair, the night market and festival of ice. This is because they add game play features that are unique, dialogue is not worth waiting a whole year for, especially if it repeats.
  • Horse and dog races that you could bet on and participate in would be exciting and incentivise relationship gain with pets.
  • There could be a food fight, The egg festival could also include sligshotting eggs or the luau could include a food fight with prairie king mechanics, maybe even some type of wine festival where you can get drunk and throw grapes at each other in a pan to crush them.
  • What about Yoba? no Yoba festival?
  • A chicken festival, where you battle other chickens pokemon style, but with friendly tactics like undertale, or maybe the chicken fights some bug monsters to eat them and grow happy.


(also a small thing — I don’t know if there is a way (maybe I’ve just missed it lol) but a way to un-hoe land with an axe or the hoe or something like that just because it drives me crazy when I accidentally hoe a little square of land and I have to wait a few days for it to un-hoe itself. )
Use the pickaxe on a mistakenly-hoed square. I'm with you, I don't like them randomly pocked all over my farm, and it really makes me grit my teeth when I have an extra square hoed on my planted field.


what do you mean? that every time you have to cook something, you have to play a mini-game like when you go fishing?
Not a direct copy, but yes. I enjoy the challenge of the fishing minigame in SV, and because different fish have different difficulties and behaviors it keeps me engaged.