PC Grass Starter

Darth Revan

Is there a way for the grass to grow faster? I have the animals locked up in an area and I do the trick of putting a fence on top of a patch of grass but I notice that the grass runs out fast and grows very slow


Staff member
My strategy is just to plant a ton of them, but the animals always seem to outpace it eventually. It does grow pretty slowly. I have seen some people divide a fenced in area into multiple parts and let the animals eat grass in one while it has time to grow in the other. I think no matter what you'll just have to plant more starters though.


Is there a way for the grass to grow faster? I have the animals locked up in an area and I do the trick of putting a fence on top of a patch of grass but I notice that the grass runs out fast and grows very slow
For your animals, plant a grass starter down and put your all or fence on top of the same block. Alternativly put a lamppost down on top of the grass. The animals can't eat the grass and it kind of looks pretty.


Creator & Developer
Staff member
spacing out the grass starter also helps. so like... if X is grass and O is open space, plant it like XOXOXO or XOOXOOXOO. This gives the grass room to grow in all directions.