Gemstone Cave level in the Skull Caverns

A little over a week ago I wrote up an idea for a new type of level that could be found in the Skull Caverns, a Mushroom Forest that has mushroom trees, new monsters and a rare mushroom that can heal the player over time.

Well, I brainstormed another idea for a new level for the Skull Caverns, a Gemstone Cave. The gemstone cave would be filled with all kinds of gemstone nodes from topaz to diamond, including giant gemstone rocks that will drop between 4-8 gemstones when broken. The key feature will be the new and collectable giant gemstones. These gemstones will decorate the level, giant topaz crystals, giant emerald crystals, giant diamond crystals and so on. These can be mined and placed as furniture in your house or around your farm. Want to make a mineral museum with massive crystals? Go ahead! Want to put Emily's crystal garden to shame? Do it! The level would also be filled with iridium crabs, so a nice haul of gems and a nice haul of iridium and crab cakes!

I've always loved mining, gemstones, and mysterious caves, probably ever since I read Jules Verne's book Journey to the Center of the Earth and watched the 1959 movie with James Mason as Oliver Lidenbrock.

Now, this cave level will be RARE. Rarer than mushroom levels in the mines, rarer than the haunted skull levels in the mines, rarer than the dino levels in the skull caverns, rarer than the mushroom forests in the skull caverns. This would likely be the rarest level to ever come across in the game so finding it would be like hitting the triple Stardrop in the casino. The giant crystals you collect would be like badges and trophies to prove you found this insanely rare level.

What do you all think?
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I love this idea! Having more rare levels would give players who dislike mining an incentive to go. Giant Gems- count me in!
Thats a great point I didn't even consider. I personally LOVE mining but I know to others its a dangerous, annoying and tedious chore.


Sounds great, also having gemstones to put on the farm would be awesome, and i'd make a new character for that, probably more than one!