Early game luck


Local Legend
A save a couple years ago had some insane luck, I got two glaives from fishing before day 5 along with around 17 unique artifacts and an iridium band.
I also got 3 ancient seeds in my first day of the mines and because of all the chubs I could eat and the nice weapon I got down 40 floors on day 5 even with the worst luck.

Overall super nice luck and as per usual I’ve had no good luck since.

Lew Zealand

I've had no memorable Luck in any of my early games (yeah OK I probably just forgot) but in my first save I got a Meteor sometime in Spring Y1. I remember as I had no idea how to hack it to pieces for a long time until I finally got a buncha Pickaxe upgrades.

You can imagine my disappointment with getting the Copper Pickaxe. Nothin'. Then the Steel Pick. You're outta luck Farmer. Surely not the Gold Pick, gold is like a soft metal. Maybe I'm missing something like a different tool. Meh, put it off 'til later. Finally get the Gold upgrade and I hack it to pieces. Because it was messin' with my perfectly designed Farm you know, the one covered with acres of green stuff.

No, Trees and Weeds and Grass as Nature intended, not Crops. Sheesh what do you take me for? 😴

But purple clashes with green so it had to go. Until I found out a few short weeks later here that people love Meteors for Farm adornment. Ah... oops? Surely I'll get another one right? Heh pretty common, those Meteorite falls.

4 years later, still waiting...


This is fast. Wish I could be this lucky.
Might want to keep in mind that I was so bad at combat that I was relying exclusively on the mallet's special attack, and therefore passed up a few available swords and daggers that were better - I was just too scared to use them. Also, it totally cheesed combat for the rest of that save file. I actually had a lot more fun on my latest save, where I saved up for a lava katana and whacked my way through the mines. Felt a lot less like I was cheating.


The first time I played The Stardew Expansion Mod and entering Skull cavern for the very first time on this playthrough the first two treasure rooms I came across had an auto-petter in the chest and I did not do anything special just consumed a spicy eel for the speed buff. I guess the +1 luck that comes with it must have made the difference but even with the spicy eel I have found it almost impossible to find an auto-petter in previous playthroughs.


On my last game I got the crop fairy on the very first night and fished two dinosaur eggs in the same week by during spring Year 1. I'll take those as welcome gifts :proud:

EDIT: actually, I misremembered one of my games. Those happened on two separate farms. Still lucky though :clover:
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Some other Fishing mod then, I presume? I immediately noticed the icons with numbers at the corner. Oh yeah, that is not Teh's, as it shows the number of bait.
Oh that mod? That's a mod called Fishing Info Overlays. Tells you the fish you can catch in a given area, tracks how much bait you have, how many charges your tackle has, and shows you the kind of fish you're reeling in. And it's only active when you've got the fishing pole equipped, otherwise you don't see it. Pretty much the perfect quality of life fishing mod for me, keeps me from having to toggle between the game and the wiki.


The first time I played The Stardew Expansion Mod and entering Skull cavern for the very first time on this playthrough the first two treasure rooms I came across had an auto-petter in the chest and I did not do anything special just consumed a spicy eel for the speed buff. I guess the +1 luck that comes with it must have made the difference but even with the spicy eel I have found it almost impossible to find an auto-petter in previous playthroughs.
I have never gotten an auto-petter. Not once. And it just kills me lol.

I've even played through a Joja route once but felt so awful about it that I stopped playing after the achievement popped for completing the community upgrades and never bought the auto-petter.