Does Krobus, The Travelling Merchant, or any other NPC sell a Stingray


I really, really, REALLY want the island obelisk as I am tired of traveling to Willy's to get to Ginger Island. I believe the only thing stopping me is getting just one Stingray which I could drop in a pond and begin building up a population of them. I know I can catch them in Pirates Cove but I only have 17 Golden Walnuts and need (I believe) 40 to build the Island Resort which provides access to Pirate's Cove. Does anyone know if anyone sells them? I thought I read somewhere that Krobus sold them (I think it was on Saturdays) but I cannot find any website now when I try to search for purchasing a Stingray.

If anyone has purchased one of these fish, or seen them for sale anywhere, please let me know.



For the island obelisk you need coconuts bananas money and iridium bars, just to help with that it's 10 coconuts 10 bananas and 5 iridium bars with 1m g but sting ray may I'm not sure be sold by krobus on Saturdays you can check the wiki by looking at his rotating stock j know there are some fish he simply won't sell but I hope you find this helpful!


You may be right. I wish you were. But I don't think so. Bananas, iridium bars, and the gold are all correct, but it is also 10 shark teeth (not coconuts) you need. This is what the Wiki says. I suspect I will just have to grind out walking to Willy's every morning until I am finally able to get enough of those bloody walnuts to access Pirate's cove.


Looking it up, apparently it's only a 5% chance to get a (dragon) tooth from a stingray pond. What I did for mine is that I just went daily into the volcano until I found enough of them in there. Maybe took me a week.

Those things that pop their heads out of the lava to shoot fireballs drop them sometimes as well as sometimes a floor will spawn with one on the ground that you can just pick up (I also can't recall if the Gatherer profession also helped me get 2 for 1 in this situation, but maybe?).


Local Legend
but it is also 10 shark teeth (not coconuts) you need.
Dragons teeth, not sharks.
Those things that pop their heads out of the lava to shoot fireballs drop them sometimes as well as sometimes a floor will spawn with one on the ground that you can just pick up (I also can't recall if the Gatherer profession also helped me get 2 for 1 in this situation, but maybe?).
Lava lurks, and gatherer does not double found dragons teeth.


Agreed, you're probably better off just running the volcano dungeon every day rather than waiting to get a stingray. (Plus there might be more walnuts in there.)


I was finally able to figure out how to get enough golden walnuts to gain access to Pirate's Cove. I have caught ten stingrays and populated four fishing ponds with them. That increases my dragon tooth chances to 20%. I hope that is 20% a day.... which means I should get a bit over 1 per week. And it will still likely be at least another six months before I have the 1,000,000 gold required to purchase the obelisk.

I appreciate all the help from everyone who reads and posts to this forum. I have gotten excellent help here and would have been helpless attempting to play this game without it.

I was very frustrated with trying to find enough golden walnuts to access all of Ginger island, but with the help I have received here, and from literally hours reading various websites, I have managed to open up most of Ginger Island.... at least I think so.

Thank you again everyone!



I have caught ten stingrays and populated four fishing ponds with them. That increases my dragon tooth chances to 20%. I hope that is 20% a day.... which means I should get a bit over 1 per week.
Congratulations on fishing up 10 stingrays, they can be pretty wild and erratic. Have you also visited the Pirate's Cove when the pirates are there?

Sorry to be bringer of bad news, but there are some things to consider here. Each stingray fish pond requires 1 dragon tooth to increase the capacity from 5 to 10. And none of the fish ponds can produce dragon teeth unless the capacity is at 9 or 10. You can find more info about it here.

It's still a good idea to have those fish ponds, stingrays can produce very useful things such as batteries. However, for getting enough dragon teeth to purchase the island obelisk, I think you are better off wading through the volcano and looking for dragon teeth in there. Some can also be gotten from killing lava lurks, that lurk in the lava (hehe). It only is a 15% chance, but if you have the Burglar's ring, that roll is rolled twice, so you have a higher chance of getting one. Those dragon skull areas in the volcano can also have more than 1 tooth, so it's worth checking out. Since you say it will take a long time to build up enough funds for the obelisk anyway, you'll have plenty of time, and you don't need to make a grind out of it. Just go in there once in a while, and eventually you'll get enough, both for the fish ponds and the obelisk. Later you can purchase banana seedlings with 5x dragon tooth. That is what I'm hunting for now, because I wanted some in the greenhouse, and getting them from golden coconuts (the ones Clint can break open) take forever.

Btw, if you have a horse, riding to the beach to Willy's boat is fairly quick. Maybe you have some beach totems lying around too? That will get you to the beach quick as a flash.


Thank you Pangaearocks. I have found three dragon teeth in Volcano just today. I was in there to get Cinder shards, which as you know, is the first thing my stingrays want. I probably walked past other dragon teeth and just never noticed them sitting there on the ground.... duhhhhh.... but I look for them now! The battery packs will be nice also as I am utilizing all the space on Ginger island to grow pumpkins and need around 15 sprinklers. I also want to upgrade the galaxy hammer I bought and that's quite a few shards for that so I may be able to pick up a few more teeth while after the shards. It would be hilarious if after all my frustration to get 4 stingray ponds up and filled with fish that I would end up getting the teeth I need trying to keep my fish happy. :)

And my horse is rather mad at me right now! I have been trying to cram him into my backpack so I could use him on the island........


if you’re sick of walking to the beach everyday or even riding the horse and want the island obelisk, just make the beach obelisk and then use it to get to the beach everyday to get to the island and then have farm totems to get home fast:)


Stingrays are unreliable for battery, dragon tooth and lava shroom production (it happens very rarely and highly inconsistently). Your best bet is to unlock the burglar ring early, find yourself a luck ring as soon as possible, rush to the volcano forge one day as early as possible and combine them... Then, with it always equipped in the second ring slot, kill the small lava creatures excessively and pick up the occasional tooth from around dragon skeletons.

Unlocking Golden Coconuts for bananas, is also mandatory. If you have paid for the island trader to set shop, trade your normal coconuts for golden ones, there. Open a number of them, until you get the banana sapling.

I understand your frustration perfectly. That is precisely why, the very first obelisk i always unlock, is the island one. All others can wait!

P.S. If you are sick of collecting the Golden Walnuts (who isn't?), you can just pay the new Joja parrot to find them for you. Each unfound walnut, costs 10.000! Somebody who needs to skip walnut hunting altogether, must pay 1.300.000! The sum decreases by 10.000 for each walnut you have manually collected. A very affordable solution to all your woes and troubles.