Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

So, about the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. It's pretty to watch the first time, but since there's no merchant or competition or anything, it gets boring after a while. Maybe there could be a merchant selling stuff related to the festival? Or maybe, like the Night Market artist (Lugini, I think?) there could be like a different painting, clothing item, or special item available every year. Or maybe there could be a game, like spot all the green jellyfish and win a pearl? Or, like in the Night Market, a Submarine where you can catch new fish! Anyway, just suggestions to make the festival a little more interesting. Feel free to tell me any of your ideas in the comments!

Magically Clueless

Staff member
I think having some extra stuff would be really nice! What would be cool is the first year is the same as it always is, but year 2 and after have something different, like a merchant or someone selling different items that you can hold during the jellies event, something little and fun like that
I think having some extra stuff would be really nice! What would be cool is the first year is the same as it always is, but year 2 and after have something different, like a merchant or someone selling different items that you can hold during the jellies event, something little and fun like that
Yes, that sounds really cool!