Contracts & Farm hands


Firstly, thanks Eric for making the game. Heres a suggestion for a future patch/sequel I thought of yesterday

I was farming coffee beans like mad and I thought "I'm going to supply Tim Hortons". Immediately I thought, well what a great idea. I know the game deals with anti-capitalistic themes which I enjoy but at the same time, wouldn't it add a bit more depth if you could win a contract from a restaurant or chain where you have to supply x amount of y crop each season/year. Probably a late game thing as the rewards from this would have to be enormous given the client. Just a thought!

Almost forgot, with the wealth of late game content added to 1.5 (that I still haven't reached yet D: ) it would be cool if later in the game if you could hire farm hands. These would be less developed characters that basically just do the work, rather than employing townfolk we already are familiar with. Even allot a budget and schedule so they could go into town and get required seeds and such. Be cool if you could level them as well, perhaps offer incentives to get them to stay on/improve their skills. This would allow you to still grow crops efficiently while you are away in the various mines. This would also be something more late game as you would have to build up money first in order to expand in this way.

Lastly, can I just say that while I am old in gaming terms and thus I do enjoy the retro flavor, I really hope any potential sequel will be more graphically intensive if not fully 3D. I use the Spritemaster mod but I'd like to see it taken a step or two further, now that you have the resources from proceeds of this wonderful game.
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You have contracts. They are on the request board by lewis. Sometimes they ask for 100 produce options. Heck Caroline ask specifically for 100 of a island forage/produce item, qi ask for 500 qi fruit. Maybe increase the frequency like one is always available during the first week (maybe competing joja vs pierre)

Farm hands are already a thing. They are the junimos. They haven't items for you. As far as planting the seeds though that could be useful if you put seeds (,sunflowers probably would be best) in their hut they auto plant when harvesting a crop.

Às far as 3d goes. Play harvest moon 64 or story of seasons. That's not a snippy remark but a get a look at the sprites used. Are you meaning a stylized real asthetic or a comical/cute like harvest moons bubble cows. Some games go through a 3d identity problem. Most long term harvest moon fans prefer the cuter bubble animals over the realistic jersey cows and such.