Coffee bean visibility


Hello all,

This may sound like a dumb, small little thing, but it would mean the world to me and my girlfriend.
We started playing during quarantine and loving it, but we are having some trouble with the coffee bean. Namely that we are having trouble seeing when a coffee plant is ready to be harvested or not. The tiny red dots (the beans) that indicate that it's ready for harvest, are small and the red blends in well with tilled and watered soil. The gf and I have really bad Eyesight, and even with my strongest glasses I have trouble spotting if there are any plants ready for harvest.

So my suggestion is simple: could you maybe please change the color or size of the coffee beans when they are ready to harvest? Maybe a more prominent red/brown? Or just an option in the menu: 'more visible crops'.

Thanks for reading! Any feedback or tips are very much appreciated!

I love Stardew Valley best game of our time!!!!:heart:



Well if you harvest it once it will produce every 2 days, so it's not that hard.
But I agree that he should make them a bit darker so we can se them easily


Staff member
Well if you harvest it once it will produce every 2 days, so it's not that hard.
But I agree that he should make them a bit darker so we can se them easily
This is good to keep in mind, but that doesn't help them see if they've missed any during harvesting


This is good to keep in mind, but that doesn't help them see if they've missed any during harvesting
That is very true. And honestly, I have a lot of other crops etc aswel, I don't want to have to take notes about when my plants will be ready :)

Thanks for all the replies. Glad some others agree, and it's not just me.