Switch [BUG] Wedding Day - no cutscene when loading save


I'm running the latest, fully-patched up 1.5.x version on a stock Nintendo Switch, original version. Issue occurred today, 17/05/2021.

If you quit the game without saving after the wedding ceremony, then when you reload the save, you won't get to see the wedding cutscene, despite it being the morning of your wedding day.

I'd been building up to my character's wedding day with Leah, which triggered earlier today. I watched the ceremony, my character talked to a very happy Leah, then I quit the game without saving, as I knew my daughter would want to see the wedding too when she got home. When starting up my save this evening so she could see the wedding, my character just woke up at 06:00 next to Leah, who was grumpy and wouldn't get out of bed. I checked the calendar and it was definitely the wedding date, Spring 9th, so I guess Leah was upset at missing her own wedding! My daughter was disappointed, and whole thing was a bit of a letdown.

Some googling shows this is a fairly common issue, but the advice is always for PC players to mess with the save files to restore yesterday's save - but that's not an option on the Nintendo Switch.

It's too late for me, but any chance of fixing this for future players (and their disappointed eight-year olds)?


My Daughter has been avidly playing stardew valley for several months now, taking her time to build up her farm and relationship with Sam, during what small amount of screen time she gets.

She was so excited after she proposed to Sam, and was waiting for the wedding day.

When playing on switch there is no save function - you just have to go to sleep, wake up and the exit to title so that it saves. this is the only way to save...

On the day of the wedding my Daughter had us all dress up and sit round to watch her and Sam get married.

Because of the above "bug" we didn't get to see the wedding at all.

Pretty heartbreaking to watch someone who is having their fist experience of being invested in a computer game have such a disappointing experience.

I would say that this issue is game breaking - the game is about emotional investment.

Not fixing this presumably simple bug, is pretty heartless in my view.

Really really lame.