PC [BUG] Quest bug with Krobus in Multiplayer


My friend and I play this game a lot and we came to some sort of bug where my friend still has not *officially* met Krobus.

The part where you discover some footprints and the cutscene where you encounter and talk to him has not happened to my friend, yet he can go to the Sewer and talk and shop with Krobus.

We are already on Year 3 yet the bug is still there.

Because of this bug, he cannot continue other quests or construct anything from the Wizard's Tower, such as the Junimo Hut - he simply cannot access the book.

If anyone knows a solution to this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, hi, this is my first post and if I messed something up such as the title or where am I actually supposed to put this thread, please mods, by any means, guide this green slime on the right path.