PC BUG (?): always sunny weather


Hello everyone,

So a friend and I have been playing SDV multiplayer on Steam a lot recently and literally every single day we have sunny weather.

We started the 2nd year recently and for the whole of spring and half of summer we've been having sunny weather now.
(which sucks bc we are only missing the fish that appear during rainy weather and we wanna get married too ffs haha)

I've played the game for 300+ hours and I do know it's random but something like this had never happened before the update so I just wanted to find out if others have the problem as well and if it's a bug.

So yeah, anyone else here experiencing that "bug" or know of any way to maybe fix it?

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I cannot tell you if it is a bug but when it comes to chances, there are always the chances that there are "extremes" like everyday only rain for a long period and only sunshine or only wind.


Local Legend
Yeah, I suspect this is just bad luck and not a bug.

See, this is a problem with people, that we look for patterns where they don't actually exist. A 10% chance of rain resulting in dry days for 10 days in a row, on day 11 the chances are still 10%. Unfortunately, when we see something that happens like this, we see a pattern where none exists.

It's a failing we all have.

I've done it. I've gotten frustrated that I wasn't getting rain. I was trying to get my watering can upgraded on a rainy day... for two seasons once. That was just... SO frustrating.

Then I took everything into my own hands and started making and using rain totems. I suggest doing the same.