PC Beach Farm Fishing


So, on previous farms, if you fished in any of the small bodies of water, I noticed I was more likely to catch trash or algae. This made sense to a degree on the other farms, but I feel like I'm not catching many different fish in the water on the beach farm and am mostly catching trash, aside from a few more common fish. I was really looking forward to being able to fish in the early morning without having to run all the way to the beach with this farm style, so this has been disappointing. Anyone else having this issue?


I did have one day where I had pretty decent luck when fishing (eel when it was raining) but otherwise I've found it to be disappointing as well. I get more algae than fish
I fish a lot on my beach farm (on right side of the map), and I think I have a lot of fishes (same proportion than in other places of the city)


It also depends on the deepness of your water. If you're fishing off of the pier you get lots of fish. If you're fishing in the shallows you get lots of junk.