Anyone else just forget to give their favorite character an item on their birthday?


Local Legend
Always the character I REALLY need friendship with. I make sure to memorize their birthday, write it down, everything.

And I forget it and am forced to talk with them every day to reach the heart level fast enough….

Lew Zealand

So. You see.

I have more than one save and therefore more than one Special Someone. Who I may have forgotten to marry just yet which makes them totally super hard to find. And of course in the process of organizing my day, week and season I need to keep track of all the little Farmy things like...

Making sure the Sprinklers go off
Checking the Scarecrows are still scary
Ensuring the AutoGrabbers aren't full again
Eyeballing that the Tappers haven't fallen off
Considering a skritch upgrade for the Autopetters
Timing the pulses of the Kegs and Jars aren't too fast
Wondering if the twirly thing on top of the Mill is going the wrong way
Counting my duck to make sure it didn't sink in the pond

So with the endless Farm maintenance it's inevitable that I'll forget the occasional Birthday or Ancient Froot growing season. But I eventually usually remember the following year. Not on their Birthday but really this random gift I found in that field over there is just as special even on Fall 9.

~3 years late.
I've taken to putting up a calander that I check first thing in the morning and a chest of common giftable items in my kitchen in addition to ingredients. If it's someone's birthday that I care about getting a gift to in that save, I head straight to the kitchen to make or grab a suitable gift so it's taking up an inventory space right beside my tools and annoying me all morning until I decide to track them down and give them the damn thing. This is especially effective the first year-to-year and a half, when I haven't upgraded the backpack yet.
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Honestly the biggest benefit of the Statue of Endless Fortune to me is seeing something unusual and going 'Oh hey, it's somebody's birthday!"
I've never bought the Statue of Endless Fortune after my first ever farm because it seemed useless by the time I could reasonaby afford it. You have just shown me its purpose: hassle-free gifting for late game. Thank you.

Lew Zealand

Honestly the biggest benefit of the Statue of Endless Fortune to me is seeing something unusual and going 'Oh hey, it's somebody's birthday!"
So you're saying it's expensive but is a machine that serves a direct purpose in the game. Hmmm, this interests me. A 1,000,000 g calendaring system that aaaaaaalmost could work perfectly but is in fact an insidious reminder for people just like me that we cannot keep things straight because…

It's still mega-ambiguous.

On non-Birthdays, it has a 1/4 chance of producing a Diamond.
On 7 Birthdays it produces… a Diamond.

Soooooooooooo… on 26 to 27 days a year, almost a quarter of the entire year. Practically An Entire Season!

This 1 Million g trinket is a broken alarm clock.

Farmer Bobbi wakes up and heads outside to meet the warm slanting rays of the of the early evening sun. Breathing in the air and strolling about her Garden of Excessive Gold, she notices her newest addition has delivered up a hovering Diamond. Plucking it from the thin air, she thinks that she must have missed Evelyn's birthday again. With a 100% succcess rate, Evelyn must be used to that by now and Bobbi consoles herself by thinking she missed Evelyn's first 65 or so B-Days so what's another 5?

But now she can remember with the help of a lump of Precious Metals and Magic and a lighter pocketbook! Stashing the Diamond in her pack, her always ignored memory is jumping up and down trying in vain to draw her attention away from the super compelling squirrel digging up a nut it buried last Fall. Still walking while mentally dozing, Bobbi trips on some typical Farm detritus leftover from Year 2 or so and ends up with a face fulla grass and dirty palms. Bleh stupid big feet, Bobbi thinks as she goes back inside to wash up.

Seeing the Calendar tossed on the floor in the corner, she notices Evelyn's birthday in late Winter with satisfaction and only while drying off it occurs to her that she still retained most of her eyesight after going outside just now. Winter left early this year? Poking her head out, it looks quite a lot like Spring. Winter's putting one over on her, the silly season! But it really did look like Spring. So what Season is it? What day is it??

Grabbing the discarded Calendar for the first time in ages, she notices Spring 11 faintly glowing. Who's birthday is that?? Nobody's. And still a couple days until the Egg Hunt. What, does that stupid statue produce an Egg on that day?? Explains why Abby hadn't taunted her yet for losing for like 38 years in a row now...


I bought a broken, useless statue that reminds me of some things and trolls me on others. Well, at least it looks good in the Garden o' Gold:
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So you're saying it's expensive but is a machine that serves a direct purpose in the game. Hmmm, this interests me. A 1,000,000 g calendaring system that aaaaaaalmost could work perfectly but is in fact an insidious reminder for people just like me that we cannot keep things straight because…

It's still mega-ambiguous.

On non-Birthdays, it has a 1/4 chance of producing a Diamond.
On 7 Birthdays it produces… a Diamond.

Soooooooooooo… on 26 to 27 days a year, almost a quarter of the entire year. Practically An Entire Season!

This 1 Million g trinket is a broken alarm clock.

Farmer Bobbi wakes up and heads outside to meet the warm slanting rays of the of the early evening sun. Breathing in the air and strolling about her Garden of Excessive Gold, she notices her newest addition has delivered up a hovering Diamond. Plucking it from the thin air, she thinks that she must have missed Evelyn's birthday again. With a 100% succcess rate, Evelyn must be used to that by now and Bobbi consoles herself by thinking she missed Evelyn's first 65 or so B-Days so what's another 5?

But now she can remember with the help of a lump of Precious Metals and Magic and a lighter pocketbook! Stashing the Diamond in her pack, her always ignored memory is jumping up and down trying in vain to draw her attention away from the super compelling squirrel digging up a nut it buried last Fall. Still walking while mentally dozing, Bobbi trips on some typical Farm detritus leftover from Year 2 or so and ends up with a face fulla grass and dirty palms. Bleh stupid big feet, Bobbi thinks as she goes back inside to wash up.

Seeing the Calendar tossed on the floor in the corner, she notices Evelyn's birthday in late Winter with satisfaction and only while drying off it occurs to her that she still retained most of her eyesight after going outside just now. Winter left early this year? Poking her head out, it looks quite a lot like Spring. Winter's putting one over on her, the silly season! But it really did look like Spring. So what Season is it? What day is it??

Grabbing the discarded Calendar for the first time in ages, she notices Spring 11 faintly glowing. Who's birthday is that?? Nobody's. And still a couple days until the Egg Hunt. What, does that stupid statue produce an Egg on that day?? Explains why Abby hadn't taunted her yet for losing for like 38 years in a row now...


I bought a broken, useless statue that reminds me of some things and trolls me on others. Well, at least it looks good in the Garden o' Gold:
Just out of curiosity, what is the statue to the immediate left of the Golden Clock? I've never seen that one!


I wish the Statue would produce strawberries for Maru, Horseradish for Krobus, etc. Then I could give Maru an iridium bar and throw the strawberry into a seed maker!
Yes keep forgetting Shane's birthday but also other villager birthdays :O I'm thinking I need to just have hundreds of red peppers on me at all times for Shane but since they are a liked gift for most other villagers it would help on their birthdays too.


Never mind birthdays in the Valley, sometimes I can't even remember my own dad's birthday :heart:
My father says that his official date of birth is incorrect, because his parents waited a month before reporting it. So since he was born in December, the date, month, AND year are all technically wrong. He says it doesn't matter because the zodiac year is correct. I've just given up at this point.