About tapped trees


Is it better to plant the trees you want tapped upon the farm map area? Or find a place elsewhere and plant them there?

Also, if they are not on farm, can they be hit by lightning during storm and be destroyed?


I usually have a small area for tapped trees on my farm and plant the rest in the desert. I keep the tappers in sync so the ones on my farm being ready tells me I have to go and collect the rest.

Trees that I'm planning to cut down for wood go in the railroad so they're out of the way and I can choose to use the spa to regain energy when chopping if I'm low on food.


I normally do what others have described here - plant most off-farm (normally at the railroad) and then plant an indicator tree on my farm (if I remember). However, I've been nervous to put anything off-farm in my newest save because I haven't seen the NPC's pathing confirmed since the new update. Especially with a festival in the desert - which I normally use for solar panels - I don't want to lose all my money because an NPC decided to take a longer walk than I'm used to.
I've lost a tapped tree on my farm to lightning a few times. However, I very rarely use more than 1 lightning rod, because only once have I got the rare, weird coal tree. A fruit tree struck by lightning smoulders and produces coal for a few days, and it's so interesting, I'm always hoping to see that again.
I also often plant trees at the railroad. But, that's in the area you could dig up a dinosaur egg from a worm spot. So sometimes I hesitate to put anything there, especially if I haven't found a dino egg yet.

Lew Zealand

I keep one indicator tree on the farm and then plant a forest near the train station. When the one on the farm has a product, I know I have to go to the station to harvest.
OK, I love this in theory as I use this for Kegs and Jars in Sheds: indicator outside and the rest inside. But an indicator on the Farm and then I gotta go to the Railway to harvest? And no Railway Totem or Leprechaun Shoes Obelisk...

Yeah this is not really what a lazy Farmer is gonna do much but seeing as I don't use the space for anything else anyway, having Trees tapped there is a good idea. I'll just pick up the Oak Resin when I'm looking for Train drops and it'll be like an always-there surprise when I end up there once in a blue moon and go, oooooh yeeeeeaaah!


Villagers will path around trees, so they should not be able to destroy trees the way they do kegs.
This is great news! I will make a forest in the railroad asap. I'm still nervous to turn the desert into a forest like I did last save, but railroad forest here I come!


As for the desert festival, I have not heard for sure, but it should work like the night market, where an alternate map is loaded for the festival days. You won't be able to access anything you put down on those days, but it will all reappear afterward unchanged.

Wickedy hasn't updated paths for 1.6 yet, but keep an eye on her website as I believe she has new maps coming.


Is it better to plant the trees you want tapped upon the farm map area? Or find a place elsewhere and plant them there?

Also, if they are not on farm, can they be hit by lightning during storm and be destroyed?
I tend to like having a spot on the farm for convenience, but I plan it after I get my animals and crop areas sorted since it's a minor thing. If I need to tap trees early on, I'll usually do it in Cindersap forest.


I made a oak resin farm in desert.
BTW, Don't put chest outside the Sandy's shop, I thought it was safe, until Sandy's birthday, she went out and play with Emily.
The chest where I put tree seeds and wood were ruthlessly destroyed.


Oh yeah, they wander a path of destruction for Sandy's birthday.

I have honestly never thought to tap random trees in Cindersap Forest. I'm not sure why - it's a whole forest, the most logical place for trees.
It's not something you think about off hand. We see it as "Oh a place to get wood!" and it just doesn't cross our minds. If I don't wanna do it there, I do it at the bus stop so it's literally right outside my farm.