A Way to Keep Track of What You've Crafted and Not Crafted


In order to attain 100% completion, the player needs to craft every available craftable item. However, there's no way to tell what you have and have not crafted before, which can make this difficult to keep track of. As such, I propose a little counter that appears when you hover over each item in the crafting menu. It tells you how many of this item you've crafted before. If the number is zero, it means that you've never crafted the item before. Or, alternatively, maybe there could be a "Crafting" collections tab?
That's already an option since 1.4 that I remember:



Edit: Looks like someone got ahead. I'll add then that Advanced Crafting Info also adds a counter to the right of the materials you need telling you how many you have on your inventory, how many you have in adjacent chests if using the workbench and, to the right of the final item name, how many times you can make the crafting operation with the materials you have.


The crafting menu only shows if you've crafted an item before if you have the items to make another, though. I've made a million grass starters for my fat cows and I'm staring at the menu right now and it isn't showing me how many I've made (advanced crafting is on--wood fences, which I have the materials to make more of, DOES show how many I've made before)
The crafting menu only shows if you've crafted an item before if you have the items to make another, though. I've made a million grass starters for my fat cows and I'm staring at the menu right now and it isn't showing me how many I've made (advanced crafting is on--wood fences, which I have the materials to make more of, DOES show how many I've made before)
Are you checking or just remembering? If the former, you should report it because it would be a legit bug.



Ahhh never mind I'm a goof--I was looking at the "how many you can craft" number, didn't see the seperate how many crafted number below!