PPJA - Fantasy Crops

JsonAssets PPJA - Fantasy Crops 1.4.7

Tired of going down to the mines to gather iridium? Sick of the cost of coal? Now you can grow your own resources - including money!
Mizu's Custom Crop Sprites provided the opportunity to bring to life these impossible crops!

- The crops are set to produce the vanilla base game item, which doesn't usually have a quality to it but these do. They should function the same as the idea was to use these for the ore, not for money making.

If you would like to contribute to the project, we welcome pull requests on our Github repo! You may also submit ideas or translations there.

See MouseyPounds database!


- Latest version of Json Assets
- Latest version of SMAPI
- Latest version of SpaceCore

Step 1. Install SMAPI, Json Assets, and SpaceCore.
Step 2. Download this mod and extract the zip file anywhere you would like. There is 1 file included in the download:

[JA] Fantasy Crops

Step 3. Drag & Drop the extracted folder(s) directly into the /Mods folder.

Step 1. Remove every existing item (crop, clothing, seeds, etc.) excluding items in shops & letters.
Step 2. Remove the corresponding folders.

Forgetting to remove existing items (especially in your inventory) can crash your game.

Please make sure to follow the steps/general troubleshooting found here before posting your log. 90% of errors users report can be solved by following those steps.
If you're still having issues, attach your SMAPI log or reach out to the community in the Stardew Valley Discord.
paradigm nomad
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