

I'm not much of a social person, though thought I'd at least make a post here. I struggle badly with anxiety and depression, and unfortunately the anxiety affects me even just typing out things like this so this isn't easy for me to do. Not really sure what else to say here, so I guess I'll leave it at that. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Welcome Haywud! You did great with your intro. I hope you enjoy the forums.
Thank you. That post took... well longer than it should have to even type out. Still have no idea why my anxiety has that sort of affect on me even just for what should be simple posts like this. Most times I find myself typing something out then deleting it, then typing something else and deleting that. Then most of the time I don't even post what I've typed, and just end up deleting everything. Like even now admittedly I've considered just deleting all of this and not doing anything with it, but I'll push on and just go with it for once.

Anyway, thank you to all those that have replied here and anyone that may potentially reply. I appreciate it.
You're welcome. :) Glad you didn't delete it, you're posts are perfectly fine. I can relate to social anxiety, I have a few friends that struggle with it, and I did earlier in my life. It can be a bit of a bear 🐻 to wrestle with.
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Lew Zealand

Thank you. That post took... well longer than it should have to even type out. Still have no idea why my anxiety has that sort of affect on me even just for what should be simple posts like this. Most times I find myself typing something out then deleting it, then typing something else and deleting that. Then most of the time I don't even post what I've typed, and just end up deleting everything. Like even now admittedly I've considered just deleting all of this and not doing anything with it, but I'll push on and just go with it for once.

Anyway, thank you to all those that have replied here and anyone that may potentially reply. I appreciate it.
Just another data point for you: I generally type in and delete at least 2x or 3x the posts I ever end up posting here and at other forums I've haunted. I should really give my keyboard a break but I only figure out that afterwards. Oh well!

So you're not alone in this. :heart::heart::heart:


You're welcome. :) Glad you didn't delete it, you're posts are perfectly fine. I can related to social anxiety, I have a few friends that struggle with it, and I did earlier in my life. It can be a bit of a bear 🐻 to wrestle with.
It's usually never because I'm worried about how others will read them, or if my post is actually okay or not, it's always a case of the anxiety kicking in and just saying "nope". It is quite the pain to deal with. My entire life it's kept me from really making friends, and even when I do it just makes it hard to keep them because even when I feel comfortable around someone the anxiety still persists and always makes things difficult. Without going into details, it's had a big negative affect on me and unfortunately my life as well.

Just another data point for you: I generally type in and delete at least 2x or 3x the posts I ever end up posting here and at other forums I've haunted. I should really give my keyboard a break but I only figure out that afterwards. Oh well!

So you're not alone in this. :heart::heart::heart:
Yep, sounds pretty much like what I do too. Doesn't matter what the site is, whether it's forums like this or YouTube, it's the same everywhere. Haunted is an interested way to put things, because in a way I've always felt kind of like a ghost on forums due to my inability to really post most of the time so most people never know I'm there. In a way It's good to know I'm not alone with this sort of thing, though at the same time I wish no one had to deal with that sort of thing.


Welcome!! My anxiety nods hello to yours from afar!!

Glad you didn't let it keep you from posting btw, it's hard overcoming hitting the reply button sometimes. Hopefully I'll see you around.
I'd nod back, but I don't know if my anxiety would have the courage. 😆

It really is hard, and sometimes for me just finding it in me to even check can be the bigger challenge. Like here I am several days from my previous visit, and I'm just now finding it in me to come back. If you struggle with anxiety I'm not sure how much we'll see each other around, but who knows.

Welcome Haywud! I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you. I hope so too, and it seems like a pretty nice forum overall so I'm sure I will.