Switch [BUG] Game Crashed at Bedtime, Didn't Save


Hey, has there been a fix for this yet? I'm having the same problem and can't play until it is fix :(
Nope it hasn't been fixed
I checked the update logs a few hours ago and none of the console versions have even received an update since 1.5.4 (Febuary)


I am experiencing the same bug about 50% of days. I am playing with 1.5.4 on Switch, I had the crash at the end of winter day 24 and winter day 26, year 2 before I decided I cant put any more effort into it if I will have to completely redo the day half the time.

The game is unplayable until this is fixed :(


Been playing for about 3+ years in game local co-op and have had these issues several times.


So today I find out there was a update ?? or something another. Apparently this was released to address various bugs/crashes. I was hoping it would fix this issue. By the looks there is no fix. Any luck with you guys ?


So today I find out there was a update ?? or something another. Apparently this was released to address various bugs/crashes. I was hoping it would fix this issue. By the looks there is no fix. Any luck with you guys ?
There was an xbox update two weeks ago as well
Didn't fix it for me either


So today I find out there was a update ?? or something another. Apparently this was released to address various bugs/crashes. I was hoping it would fix this issue. By the looks there is no fix. Any luck with you guys ?
Hey I don't know of any new patch, I'm playing on the switch though.

Also, haven't had anymore issues myself with the bug since the initial first two times it happened. *knock on wood*

A couple things i started to do after reading about the original bug, always organize your inventory before bed and check all chests for any blank spots, which are rare but can happen.

Hope this helps



What do you mean by ‘blank spots’ I’m going to attempt the organise trick in a moment but who knows. I just find it frustrating that I can literally wake up do whatever I want or nothing, sleep and then crash.
If auto-organized before bed so all blank spots are moved to the end, then blank spots appear not at the end in that organization come morning, this would probably indicate an item had gone missing overnight? I think this might be a clever way of detecting when something goes missing.
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What do you mean by ‘blank spots’ I’m going to attempt the organise trick in a moment but who knows. I just find it frustrating that I can literally wake up do whatever I want or nothing, sleep and then crash.
Blank spots as in:
Item, blank spot, item.

I read that was one of the original fixes for the bug. That and keep all your original tools(hoe, axe, pick axe, watering can) in your inventory at all times. Hope that helps. As soon as i started doing both these thing i haven't had a crash since


Same issue. I’m on day 1 of winter, year 5. I have done everything recommended. I’ve uninstalled and redownloaded Stardew, checked for any new updates, checked for corrupted data, switched stuff around in my chests, I have all the tools in my inventory, everything I could find to do. Every time I go to sleep to save and move to the next day the same message pops up “The software was closed because an error occurred.” And it will bring me back to my home screen. Now I have another save file that I play with my fiancé on and I tested that one to see if it was crash too, but it saved and changed days like normal. My problem file, however, is my original first file since starting this game. When the new update came out introducing the islands back in like February, I experienced the bug where the ground at the islands was missing, it was just a reflection of the sky instead of dirt and grass. Everything operated just fine minus the ground being blue. I know another small update came out to fix this issue, but I’m wondering if the fix-it update is what’s throwing off my ability to save now. I haven’t been able to play this file since like April/May, and it’s heartbreaking. :cry::sebastian:


Hey have you has any feedback for this ??

Myself and my girlfriend have also encountered almost the same problem. I say almost as theres a few things different to yours... im going to put whats happening here.

The issue:

Year 3 autumn day 14 the error occurs when going to bed shortly before the end of day results. “The Software was closed because an error occurred”. Ive been experimenting slightly with the game to find out if there was a cause.

The first time it happened we had just purchased the teleport sceptre thing and just needed the iridium for the boat requisites. And after a fruitful day in the skull mines got into bed then crash...

Second time we tried without buying sceptre... crash

We kept changing things until we woke up and went straight to bed, alas still crash.

We have delayed our return to the valley while this error continues (i check almost daily for updates just in case). But we both want to farm again on this save rather than start a new one.

Error text:
"The software experienced an error and had to close."

Game Version:
Switch 1.5.4 (Splitscreen 2 players)

I’m playing on Switch and also experiencing the same game crash. I am on year 7 but also Fall 14. It’s interesting that it’s the same day in an odd year. The game crashes upon going to sleep or upon staying up till 2am. I am also up to date ( on Switch)

Cat Ion

Heyo thanks for a fix suggestion i just tried it and unfortunately to no avail. Loaded the save up in singleplayer woke up then went to bed a second later and crash...

Edit: Also noticed there was a switch software update so tried the fix on the game before the update and then again after the update. Same results. :(

Edit of edit: Also tried the switch equivalent of validating files. Still nothing. Even re-downloading the game.
I also have tried to complete our day that won’t save. Other files on my game open and play and save just fine but not this one :/

Cat Ion

I’ve been having this problem too! Me and two others play off one of my files and the day can never end or save. I’ve tried redownloading the game, playing it in single player, restarting the switch console, and it still won’t work :/ my friends and I have put well over 60 hours into this farm and now we’re kinda really off put by this game because of this issue…. Is there any news about this? Will it get fixed?


I'm about 140 hours into a save on the Switch also on fall day 14. Every time I try to sleep the game crashes with error "The software closed because an error occurred". I went through posts on here and Reddit for the same issue over the past few years and tried everything previously mentioned.


So I had the same problem on Switch but actually found a Solution that worked for me. I was stuck on day 7 year 4 and it kept crashing after going to sleep. The thing that was probably the solution is to close down the beach resort temporarily. Idk for sure if this is the thing that prevented the crash from happening but the issue seems gone now. Reopening the beach also didn't cause it to crash again. My guess is that it had something to do with the weather since it was supposed to storm in stardew but suny on the island but idk. Hope this helps someone


So I had the same problem on Switch but actually found a Solution that worked for me. I was stuck on day 7 year 4 and it kept crashing after going to sleep. The thing that was probably the solution is to close down the beach resort temporarily. Idk for sure if this is the thing that prevented the crash from happening but the issue seems gone now. Reopening the beach also didn't cause it to crash again. My guess is that it had something to do with the weather since it was supposed to storm in stardew but suny on the island but idk. Hope this helps someone

Update: it's definitely the Beach resort for me. The same bug happened 2 in-game days later and it instantly worked after closing it down. Just a bit sad that it has to stay closed but it's a small price to pay for salvation


Mine keeps crashing on 25th dec year 3. I give a gift at the holiday party and I get the same "error occured" message and the day restarts. Single player, no mods, on the switch.
This happened to me in multiplayer. As soon as I gave my gift, the game crashed. Did this four times before finally having only the other player give their gift then leaving.

You may have to go to the party and not gift.