What on earth is happening here lately?


So much hatred for Demetrius and breaking up families. More and more threads. 4 now I think? I used to love coming here but if every other thread popping up is a hatred or stealing married villagers from their spouses and families thread I will just have to find somewhere else to hang out. This used to be an everyone is worth loving and very diversity accepting place to be. Overnight itโ€™s gone a whole new direction? Yuck. ๐Ÿคฎ
It could be some spillover from reddit where the Stardew sub is a pretty wholesome one compared to most of reddit but it still gets its share of I don't like _____ because of random reason X from time to time.

Also it's usually only one person or 2 who do this and they generally calm down a bit once the cutscene of interest fades from memory.
You said it so perfectly. Before my recent dive back into SDV, I was watching a lot of SDV content on YouTube and it seemed like EVERYONE and their mother absolutely loathed Elliot because of him calling Gus "bartender." Like, excuse me, that is the golden god of bachelors, you uncultured swine. Lol.

People are always going to find something to complain about, the only thing you can really do is offer another point of view and move on; if they change their tune, great, but always stick to your own drum above all else. Don't let it get you down!

Instead ponder this dark thought: Imagine the gripes surely to come from the bowels of the internet once 1.6 is out with all the added dialogue! :flushed:


It could be some spillover from reddit where the Stardew sub is a pretty wholesome one compared to most of reddit but it still gets its share of I don't like _____ because of random reason X from time to time.

Also it's usually only one person or 2 who do this and they generally calm down a bit once the cutscene of interest fades from memory.
Thank you. I will just try to ignore it instead of replying. I just donโ€™t want to see a good place go bad. Too many of those hatred places out there these days.


You said it so perfectly. Before my recent dive back into SDV, I was watching a lot of SDV content on YouTube and it seemed like EVERYONE and their mother absolutely loathed Elliot because of him calling Gus "bartender." Like, excuse me, that is the golden god of bachelors, you uncultured swine. Lol.

People are always going to find something to complain about, the only thing you can really do is offer another point of view and move on; if they change their tune, great, but always stick to your own drum above all else. Don't let it get you down!

Instead ponder this dark thought: Imagine the gripes surely to come from the bowels of the internet once 1.6 is out with all the added dialogue! :flushed:
Yikes. I canโ€™t even begin to imagine. People are still ranting about 1.4 and 1.5.

Lew Zealand

Iโ€™m so sorry, I donโ€™t get this reference.๐Ÿ˜ฌ
If you mean 'death of the author', it means that the author's (or picture creator's in this case) intent is not relevant to what the reader or viewer gets out of it. The reason I agree with this is the artist creates their piece to express something they want to convey, but the viewer brings all their very different life experiences and perspectives to their own experience of the piece and that can end up delivering a completely different feeling than the artist intended. I love this difference though there are a few artists who kinda prefer to dictate the experience, which I understand.


If you mean 'death of the author', it means that the author's (or picture creator's in this case) intent is not relevant to what the reader or viewer gets out of it. The reason I agree with this is the artist creates their piece to express something they want to convey, but the viewer brings all their very different life experiences and perspectives to their own experience of the piece and that can end up delivering a completely different feeling than the artist intended. I love this difference though there are a few artists who kinda prefer to dictate the experience, which I understand.
Thanks for clarifying that too, what I meant was Iโ€™m not sure what the original work was conveying. It looks Stardew related but I could be misreading it. Iโ€™m not great with art sorry. Itโ€™s very pretty Iโ€™m just not sure if it was just a doodle design do to speak or if Iโ€™m supposed to see something Iโ€™m not seeing. I hope this isnโ€™t offensive Iโ€™m just not great at interpreting more modern art unless the original artist explains it more thouroughly.

Lew Zealand

Thanks for clarifying that too, what I meant was Iโ€™m not sure what the original work was conveying. It looks Stardew related but I could be misreading it. Iโ€™m not great with art sorry. Itโ€™s very pretty Iโ€™m just not sure if it was just a doodle design do to speak or if Iโ€™m supposed to see something Iโ€™m not seeing. I hope this isnโ€™t offensive Iโ€™m just not great at interpreting more modern art unless the original artist explains it more thouroughly.
Ah sorry LOL! Never any offense taken by me as I tend to express myself in inscrutable ways sometimes. It's just a doodle of a scene I saw in my head at one point that someone asked me to convey in a different way. So I drew it to the best of my meager abilities using the emojis available in the forums here. I've done a few of them, each somehow worse than the last but they make me happy creating them so I make them anyway!


Ah sorry LOL! Never any offense taken by me as I tend to express myself in inscrutable ways sometimes. It's just a doodle of a scene I saw in my head at one point that someone asked me to convey in a different way. So I drew it to the best of my meager abilities using the emojis available in the forums here. I've done a few of them, each somehow worse than the last but they make me happy creating them so I make them anyway!
It was very pretty. Iโ€™m glad you shared it with me! โ˜บ


Local Legend
So much hatred for Demetrius and breaking up families. More and more threads. 4 now I think? I used to love coming here but if every other thread popping up is a hatred or stealing married villagers from their spouses and families thread I will just have to find somewhere else to hang out. This used to be an everyone is worth loving and very diversity accepting place to be. Overnight itโ€™s gone a whole new direction? Yuck. ๐Ÿคฎ
I love the first rule of the discord server for Project Zomboid: Be Lovely. Short, simple and to the point... and they mean it too.

And yes, I am always disappointed when people want a mod to break up marriages just because they dislike someone or because they like and want to date someone. Truly, only people that are not being lovely would attempt to do that in real life. There are whole reddit subs about the sorts of people that do that in real life, and literally nobody is kind to those sorts of people in those subs. Why would anyone want to be that sort of person, even in a game? Especially in a game as wholesome as this???

However, one thing I'll say... despite the "opinions on Demetrius" thread that starts with someone hating him, most of the other threads that involve someone going "MREH!" about Demetrius were all one person who appears, to me, like he needs some damned therapy. I don't think that's representative of the forum in general.


Staff member
I think it's also worth a reminder that you can ignore/block other accounts on the forums if you wish to. Of course, ideally that would never be necessary, but I certainly hope that it could be an option before leaving the forums entirely.


Local Legend
I made this a while ago for me but also someone else and I present it to you just for something a little different to look at. It's a thing. Make of it what you want as I believe in death of the author.

Edit: oof it doesn't render well on phones, sorry!

Gosh Iโ€™m a bit scared by this imposing wall of emojis on my phone, Iโ€™ll have to take your word for it and check it out on my pc


I made this a while ago for me but also someone else and I present it to you just for something a little different to look at. It's a thing. Make of it what you want as I believe in death of the author.

Edit: oof it doesn't render well on phones, sorry!

This reminds me of the ASCII art we used to make and pass around in the old Mainframe days. And what happens on a phone is just like what would happen when you would try to print ASCII art created for a 130 column impact printer on your 80 column dot-matrix printer at home.

Thanks for the memories and the revival of an ancient art form!

Lew Zealand

This reminds me of the ASCII art we used to make and pass around in the old Mainframe days. And what happens on a phone is just like what would happen when you would try to print ASCII art created for a 130 column impact printer on your 80 column dot-matrix printer at home.

Thanks for the memories and the revival of an ancient art form!
OMG that's exactly what it is!

And just to go one tech step older I had some patterns I typed out on a typewriter which made the equivalent of ASCII art on paper. What a great way to waste a nice new black ribbon!


This reminds me of the ASCII art we used to make and pass around in the old Mainframe days. And what happens on a phone is just like what would happen when you would try to print ASCII art created for a 130 column impact printer on your 80 column dot-matrix printer at home.

Thanks for the memories and the revival of an ancient art form!
๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I grew up with dot matrix! I loved watching that thing print! Except it took forever and then some. I also loved the little strips with dozens of holes you got to tear off. Extra entertainment especially if you got a really long one. What great memories!


OMG that's exactly what it is!

And just to go one tech step older I had some patterns I typed out on a typewriter which made the equivalent of ASCII art on paper. What a great way to waste a nice new black ribbon!
I also loved typewriters! I loved hitting the button that returned it to the other side and turning the knob to advance the paper. I LOVED LOVED LOVED painting on the White Out too! That smell is in my brain right now. ๐Ÿคฃ We had an electric, but my grandparents had the old fashioned ones that you had to hit the keys down really hard and they got tangled sometimes. Oh my the memories!